
Oh! I misread. I was referring more to her anger that her co worker used her vacation time for a vacation and then had the nerve to take paid maternity leave when she had the baby.

Everyone who is planning to draw a social security check when they retire is benefiting from the work of parents. Everyone who uses public roads and transportation, whose community is serviced by police and fire fighters, or who has a functioning city, state, and federal government is benefiting from the work of

This stuff just blows my mind.

I don't want children either but i still believe paid parental leave is important for every member of society. This shoegal person is annoying!!!

That's not exactly the argument you put forth at the outset. What you said was that everyone should have paid leave with which they can do what they want, including "take a break." If your argument is that people should have paid leave for necessary medical procedures, then absolutely! But if your argument is that

Except it certainly is not a choice for many women, in the US and elsewhere. Seeing as many women don't have access to healthcare that they can afford and seeing as there are many places in the US where there are no safe abortion providers for hundreds of miles around, pregnancy is very frequently not a choice at all.

She clearly meant ALL women when to use the term "US".

It isn't fair that your choice not to have children isn't seen as valid.

This attitude just... never ceases to astonish me. It's not a perk. It's not a perk at all. It's a basic, basic, basic form of support for women who are taking a huge hit to contribute to the continuation of whatever society you live in. No other developed country has an issue with providing it, at all.

No, not at all! Of course you should stand up for whoever you want to stand up for. I'm not saying white women need to STFU on this, we need to make some room on the platform for women for whom that wage gap is even more drastic. It's an issue where we look like we're ignoring the needs of women who aren't white. The

Like it or not, it's vital that some people (lots of people, in fact) choose to have children in order to maintain the social structures that each and every one of us benefit from. That's a fact. When people do choose to have children, they then have other small children who not only depend upon them, but whose

Maybe you're looking for PA to say something wrong because you called her out for not being witty to some rando telemodel on the red carpet and then she turned around and made this awesome speech. It seems pretty obvious at this point that she had other things on her mind than amusing the public on the way in.

Totally agree. And extend it to paternity leave as well... paid leave for time to adjust to having a tiny new human in the house is not the same thing as vacation and I don't mind that as an older, childless woman I will never get it.

What someone else thinks of you is none of your business.

As a 30 something woman who has also chosen not to have women, i strongly believe in paid maternity leave. It supports working women and even if i may never take advantage of it, i want to live in a world where it is a reality. Without it we see working women disenfranchised from careers when men are not and poor

I wasn't talking about people taking care of their own parents. Obviously if I were, I would not direct the "you" to shoegal, who is not a parent. I'm talking about having a younger generation to pay into services like Medicare so we can see the doctor.

No, blow it out your ass because that is clearly NOT what she was saying. Just how you decided to interpret it. The fact is, women have been seen as less than men since virtually the dawn of time and our contribution to society considered nothing. Even if that contribition was "just" giving birth and raising


Because I'm sure that's exactly what she meant.