I have it on good authority that he is a total dick. None of this is surprising.
I have it on good authority that he is a total dick. None of this is surprising.
The big concern, even in cases like this where the money is SO RIDICULOUS that most people can't even fathom the difference between 1mm a month and 32mm a month is that the standard of living on 32mm a month is still vastly different from the standard of living on 1mm a month. So, the thought process is that the…
oh now THIS is a theory I can get behind!!!
additionally, upon looking at your username closely, I remembered you were an obnoxious pot stirrer with me before. So comment away all night if you'd like, but I'm done with you.
I HAVE been asking questions and have received a few very thoughtful and eye opening replies. you, however, have been not at all helpful with your cursing and playground leb name calling. Further, my original comment was a specific situation regarding a specific gay person who happens to be male. There was nothing…
Oh my god give it a rest. You don't know me and clearly the line of questioning was valid, seeing as my original comment has 75+ stars.
that is quite a reach! My best friend who I was talking about IS male and IS gay. I'm really not sure what point you are trying to make. This anecdote had nothing to do with any other segment to begin with.
even if the U.S. adopted a nation wide guaranteed 12 week fully paid maternity leave, over the course of a lifetime that would amount to an average of maybe 120 days (12 work weeks = 60 days = 120 days for a family with two children) over the course of a roughly 40 year employment span. 250 working days a year (52…
Additionally, most of the jobs that currently include paid maternity leave are generally jobs that are negotiated. You should always negotiate a job offer!
This is all perfect world talk. That is the ideal, the exception. Until there is any nation-wide conversation about paid maternity leave, this is all just speculation anyways.
same way anyone else would. "I see maternity leave is a paid portion of the compensation plan offered to employees. Would this be transferable for paternity leave? No? OK then I would like to have that removed from the comp package and an additional ______ (5%, week of vacation per year, whatever) added.
you can give benefits to all employees that only some employees opt to use. 401(k) matching, sick days, flexible schedule, maternity leave. If someone opts not to use the maternity leave benefit (which I want to again point out is not a given in America. Very few companies offer paid maternity leave. Unpaid leave is…
You "have" to? According to whom? It's not as if the average woman has a baby every year. 2, 3 babies over the course of 15 years maybe. But as long as you feel prosecuted for not having a child this line of reasoning will never even begin to make sense to you.
I saw it in gone girl and I was pretty non-plussed. But it was a brief flash of dong, not a full on moment of glory.
I can see the frustration that she experienced. She was gone for a month for recovery from a hysterectomy and didn't receive any paid leave. Her co-worker was gone for a month for maternity leave and was paid in full. In fairness I'm assuming that shoegal doesn't have all the details, and she and I had quite a bit of…
next time I'll just be one of the many praising the speech without wondering what the problem was. One reason people stay ignorant is because they don't have anyone they can ask questions to.
not why and not what I said. If you're looking for an argument you won't find it here. Carry on.
that's why I'm-OMG-looking for clarification. Thank you for your incredible insight. I'd be lost without you.
that's not really fair. I never said anyone needs to stfu or that anyone's battle has been won. I was looking for some clarification on what she said.