In my *ahem* experience, the guys with the biggest ones are the worst in bed. It's like they think just because it's big they don't have to try. Wrong.
In my *ahem* experience, the guys with the biggest ones are the worst in bed. It's like they think just because it's big they don't have to try. Wrong.
I've attempted a read to my 14 month old a handful of times and everytime I get towards the end we have to switch to something less tear-inducing, as I am ugly crying in the nursery.
I type this way too often on this website...but...I don't get it.
1000% unrelated: anytime I see a chalkboard now I think it is a story about "How to Get Away with Murder"
I hate that she might be a republican. I think she's smarter than that, especially after going away to college. Gretchen, though, is DEFINITELY a card carrying member of the GOP.
And if it is a body for every body...why does every model in the add look relatively the same, body shape/type wise?
especially after she learned to channel her rage into sports. She probably played field hockey for an Ivy, got a big law job like you said, and is quickly taking over the world by scheming and channeling her anger into her corporate takeovers. Completely agree.
It was pretty miraculous that there was two swarovski references in this story.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply! I hope you have a lot of happy years with your parents before they go to the great GOP convention in the sky, and there IS something to be said about the beach and the BBQ. How you have acclimated to the heat is beyond me, so since you managed to do that, I assume you can handle…
wait. WHAT?! How is that even legal??!?!
I'm genuinely curious (and not ignorantly asking) why liberals live in historically red states that are clearly not going to change. I know that it's not easy to be like "OK we'll move" and jobs, friends, family, history, all of that is important as well, so I really do mean I'm not trying to be ignorant. All of those…
In the great city of chicago we don't even get stickers. we get receipts :(
This is my issue as well. As a size 14 woman, the offerings are pretty slim. I mean if I wanted an Adriana Papell dress I'd go to Nordstrom and buy one. Renting it for $35-$70 + $30ish for delivery makes it basically a wash. For $40 or so more I have a dress I own that I will maybe wear again (or will definitely loan…
but but but! if something happened to Martin Lawrence, then there can be no Bad Boys 3! SAY IT ISN'T SO!
Sorry my sarcasm did not come through at all, I wasnt trying to be a bitch (i come by that naturally i guess) and i totally agree that i would be taking it easy too!
Recently yes but of course that does not render her vocal chords unusable.
To add to that, watching this reminds me of watching a florist at work creating beautiful huge "couture" arrangements. There's a reason artistry costs a lot. Sure there is marketing and profits but also beautiful things take so much time and attention to create.
I got a record setting 14 copies of "happy hippo, angry duck" which, until I received them, I had never heard of. I guess everyone thought the little pink drink was going to need to learn about emotions good and early.
The word "homemade" has all kinds of menu legalities attached to it. I don't know what they are, per se, as it has been years since I was I finished my hospitality BBA and learned all these ridiculous things, but it is something I remember learning.