What year did you graduate? I finished in 2006. But I was in a sorority so it makes sense that it would seem to me like frats were everywhere.
What year did you graduate? I finished in 2006. But I was in a sorority so it makes sense that it would seem to me like frats were everywhere.
I HATE them and agree with almost all of this. But technically they didn't rape her (as far as I can tell from what I've read unless I've missed something in the last hour) I only point that out bc I'd hate them to have any leverage for a defamation suit (in general obviously not against you in particular)
Thank you. They absolutely deserve to have the first 800 pages of google associated with this. And I agree with Erin go Bragh below as well.
I'm so so so SO sorry that you went through that, and are still dealing with day-to-day ramifications (outside of the emotional ramifications, I hope that did not come off as insensitive as it is certainly not my intention) of being a sexual assault victim. It is absolutely deplorable, and anything I have typed thus…
http://www.ablxboston.com/national/62778… names the attackers
If you google the names of the attackers it will lead you to some sort of message board type thing for college...their names can be found in this article: http://www.ablxboston.com/national/62778…
what's worse is these guys have no REASON to go back to campus. Their frat house is off campus and they can do their partying and sexual assaulting there. At least two (but possibly all 3) of the attackers were members of sigma chi at JMU. They weren't named in this recap or the HufPo article but they were named here: …
Enjoy the last four weeks of pregnancy! :) I have nothing to add about either of the depressing stories today, just wanted to wish you the best. <3
Also, not that I would expect everyone to be BFF with their child's doctor, but I would hope that the parent would have some sort of an idea if they were taking their child to a whack-a-do doctor or not, no? If I was a nurse/doctor and had a patient's parent act like this I would absolutely be worried about what was…
happy birthday! I couldn't find cake, but this is still pretty cute!
terrible and horrible. Thanks for the info! I got mine while I was pregnant (as did my husband and our families) I just didn't realize that it passed on immunity to the fetus if you get it during your pregnancy. She isn't old enough to have had all the rounds (we are way pro-vax obviously) so I've been a little…
I should know this but I don't...but getting the TDaP shot gave my little girl protection from whooping cough?! I do see how it makes sense, and in the back of my mind I knew it-just so much info at that point. I am going to do some reading tomorrow!
some of your stances here are just horrible. Formula absolutely 100% provides adequate nutrition and to say otherwise is ignorant and also comes from a place of disgusting superiority. You're fortunate to have nipples and a supply that functioned properly. Many women are not that fortunate. Or choose to feed their…
I agree. It's just a matter of simple manners. Not that anyone is repressing you (royal You) from providing nutrition from your kid.
I'm not saying decent and normal in an "embarrassed of your body" way rather in an "I'm a mother feeding my child and my role here is to to be a mother not an activist or prove a point." Also I'm not saying there isn't a time and a place to crusade for the normalization of nursing. Just like crusading for anything…
thanks for the support. We will see how the comments roll in and how words are twisted to make me look like a woman hating devil!
I think that until someone understands that level if wealth it seems like bragging. I don't live that life but I have come to understand it. My clients and their parents are literal millionaire and billionaires. Old "Mayflower" money and spending a mint on a wedding is a normal occurrence. Their $500,000 is my $500…
I have a pretty unpopular opinion around these here parts but whatever I nursed so I feel ok about it. It's one thing to nurse in public. It's another thing entirely to nurse so out in public that it is even noticeable to those around you. I have tig'ol'bitties too and I would bet $500 that the only people who ever…
and the "awful wedding industry" and "just say wedding and watch your vendor's eyes turn to dollar signs those greedy bastards"
I am a floral designer for a high end shop and while I am in shock when people give me their budgets (mid 5 figures and higher) but then I can do things like go on a decent vacation with my family and pay for electricity and our apartment. Anyways, I, like you, don't bite the hand that feeds me.