
I did! I said I had a crush on him up top. He's one of my types.


If I live to be 100 I will never understand the seemingly arbitrary success of escaping the greys.

Considering his terrible write-up on Clooney that was clearly trying to be passed off as edgy humor, I would say that yeah, the snark is intentional. And it falls pretty flat.

Ah yes, the work. Which I always seem to do the bulk of. Sad, but I can’t even be arsed to get laid. I kinda miss it. But then I think about the effort required to get there.... nope.

Oh man, when you’re messaging your fiance’s ex-girlfriend from his account and telling her not to talk to him, your relationship is not on secure footing.

Ugh. Sometimes the only thing worse that the shitty men is the women they are now with. Another ex contacted me out of the blue a few years ago and wanted to “make amends” for the absolute shit way he treated me when we were together. Turns out he was in a 12-step for sex addiction, confessed to cheating on me a

I bought “Samsonite” luggage online. The wheel fell off the carry-on bag the first time I used it. No warranty applied, because fake fraudulent shit. I was 20, couldn’t afford to buy other luggage, and cried. My dad replaced all of its wheels...with ones taken from my rollerblades.

“I’ve had so many guys pull this on me when I break up with them, wanting an explanation and not accepting the breakup until we’ve talked in person.”

It’s like Twilight Zone, BUT REAL.

Most orthodox women are not spending 4000-7000 on a dress. The vast majority of orthodox women are getting gowns through community gemachs. A gemach is a free or low cost rental ($250). Most modest gowns are easily modified and rebuilt. In communities where there sometimes 3 or 4 weddings a nights within the

Oh god, I think we’re the same person.

And her makeup! It’s always flawless.

That Rolling Stone cover was not as bad as I was expecting.


This is my nightmare. I’d probably go grab a glass of wine from the nearest bar to stave off the headache I’d get from the excessive noise.


I’ve fantasized about doing stupid things, but never actually did them, so here’s a story of why dogs are the best: My last awful breakup (I was dumped by email, of course) I was looking after my sister’s dog. I cried hysterically in bed for about 5 minutes until the 130 pound dog latched onto my shoulder and

after getting dumped in high school, i came home in tears and announced that i was going to slash his tires. i dramatically asked my mom where the box cutter was and she gave me a big hug and said “no, sweetie. what you want is a hammer and a screw driver.”