
Wishful thinking.

The doctors that did that to her should be fired.

this screenshot said it all. I am all of these expressions.

As someone who just left a dude under exactly these circumstances at the age of 36 (and terrified) I have to completely disagree. What? Am I just supposed to put my emotional needs on hold until my sex drive dries up? Not having satisfying sex leads to lack of attraction, leads to lack of romantic feelings. ... the

But wait a minute. If by your logic, life stuff is going to get in the way, and desire AND free time will go down for each of them, that will mean she will want it less but he will want it....never. Like many of the comments above, I have been listening to the Savage Love podcast for years and have heard literally

The person who wrote in can’t have romance without sex and that’s what everything is speaking to. Not as a mention of everybody’s damn relationship ever.

Do you know how hard it is to build visible, bulky muscle mass? Years. Literal years. She’s got shoulder striations at the 9 second mark. You don’t get that from 3 lb, pink dumbbells.  

Jayden can go jump off a bridge. That entitled twerp is taking work from hardworking real actors. I cannot stand the Pinkett-Smith kids. The nepotism is enfuriating.

you’re really bending over backwards for some excuses.

In these modern times, poor, helpless cheaters just can’t trust their mistresses. #MAGA

I don’t understand how child support works. He has the kid “a skosh more than 50%”, but he has to pay her $20k a month. Does she have to prove this money is being spent (or saved!) for Dream? Is it possible to spend that much on kid every month when they are with you half the time? Is it because he somehow has a

So it’s not real? “No.” he responded. “They’re rumors, that’s all that is.”

I honestly don’t understand why this is still newsworthy. He’s not wrong from either a practical or scientific perspective (seriously, there’s research on this) that repeatedly discussing the rumor, even to refute it, will make it worse and lead more people to associate him with the story. He’s already said it’s not

I think it’s a sign he just went to a costume shop and asked for a Nazi uniform, rather than lovingly handcrafting a screen-accurate ‘Allo ‘Allo version.

Now playing

Just for context according to him he was dressed up for an ‘Allo ‘Allo themed party.

The first three months with a baby are physically and emotionally one of the hardest times and you need a human body to bring you sandwiches and take the baby and put it in the crib when you fall asleep, buy toilet paper, figure out if you took your meds that day, etc. I didn’t read it as encouraging her to stay with

As a Stephen King fan, the only question I ever want to ask the man is ‘Why did you decide that the way to defeat evil was a child gang bang? Why?’

Models consent to objectification. That’s the entire gig; they are a look, they’re parts, they’re hangers, they’re a congruency to an aesthetic.

Am I losing my mind here? Every white person is racist? This is OK now to make blanket statements about millions of people and expect zero blow back? If this is the hill she expected to die on and make a name for herself with, super. But for those of us that are not try-hard but actually trying, go fuck yourself.

Honestly, this conversation starts to feel like trolling. “ALL white people are racist.” “No we aren’t” “Oh my god, you are horrible for being insulted as an entire race.” I personally think it is a completely ineffective way to have a conversation, if you are trying to have a conversation.