
Every time something like this happens, I wind up thinking that coming for Chrissy Teigen is the internet equivalent of invading Russia in the middle of winter. And then somebody else is foolish enough to do it again...

He had been in close contact with Albert of Monaco, who contracted covid-19.

Lol, what? Kate Middleton got dragged over the coals time and time again for how much money she spent, remember the story about her blowing a mill in a single day? Which wasn’t even true. Plus all the news about how much it cost them to revamp their homes and dig those weird basements that are apparently destroying

Cyrus seems like the very definition of “high maintenance.” I look forward to reading about her inevitable (short, disastrous) relationship with Pete Davidson.

“...included deadnaming Caitlyn Jenner”

It is not a cool, good, fun look. She is just wearing a giant ugly black tee with the ass cut out of it.When she has her hands raised, as in the included picture, she is about as square and boxy looking as SpoungeBob SquarePants.

Plus, there’s zero chance Jezebel would take a charitable tone toward a woman doing this if she were smaller than Lizzo.

She should be able to trot around with her butt out at a family-friendly event; Americans could stand to be less prudish.

On the one hand, what the student said really was catty an uncalled for.

I remember when the Kardashians and other reality stars were “outed” as using rented digs for their shows instead of their real homes.

I do not believe this is their real home.

They likely own it.

This is the opposite of interior design; it is the ABSENCE of interior design.

This issue is NOT the dog’s fault, it is the owner’s fault and if it can’t be resolved neighbor to neighbor and calling the police doesn’t help, this is the result. People are inconsiderate assholes and most inconsiderate assholes have horrible animals that they don’t try to train and control. I happen to live next

Legitimate question after reading this article and several others. All the articles indicate the students were “unaware their college admissions were premised on a bribe.” Okay, fine. But as a 17 or 18 year old, wouldn’t you be aware that it is unusual that someone is in the testing room with you giving you help and

they said that “digging through a user’s post history” was against Reddit’s terms of service

...the same year’s decidedly shittier MCU entry, Thor...

So basically, they couldn’t get their shit together to focus on just the problematic/illegal content, so they’re taking actions that will just burn the whole site down.

“Arquette famously left women of color out of her Oscars’ speech, instead referring to women and people of color separately..”

Yeah, it kind of sounds like the article is saying sex isn’t selling as much anymore, but in reality it seems to be selling more than ever. Some brands are expanding who they portray as sexy, which is awesome, but the emphasis is still heavily on being sexy. All the fucking time. A very brief look at instagram will

I don’t understand the premise of this story.