The one in the phone booth where she looks like a dead body?
Maybe he has leg/hip problems so it hurts when he lifts his legs. There was an episode about something like that on Cat whisperer .
I don't see the picture . I want Toms picture dammit!
Watch it watch it watch it. It's not as full of it self like TD and a lot of characters are actually likeable .
I read somewhere that she had/has a cold. Does her husband looks 15 to anyone else?
British show Sirens,they made an American remake now.
It's his eyes. They are not this f-ing blue.
I think this is his neck? Back of the neck right bellow the hairline.
I really want this to be a thing in the future,screw flying cars.
Seems the baby's problem might not the nose but that her mother is a nutjob
I just tried it and I can't! Stupid fingers :(
Are being sarcastic or serious? I dont watch Gotham
I think he went there and they took his mesurements and what not so the weren't making it based on photos but based on actual Ben. Thats why it's so good.
What's the Clint E. rule? or it didnt happen (foood)
omg that asshole dog! haha ha ha ha
What the... :O
That's my bible! The same one here. That book helped in making me an atheist. I just couldn't see those stories as any diferent than any other fairytales. But I liked a lot of the pistures.