
Meh. This isn’t so bad when one considers how United charges for bags AAAANDDD...God, this pisses me off to no pay the same price for an economy plus seat on a 737 as you do a 37 seat Embraer. Fuck. That. The WORST seat on a 737 is a million times better than the best on that hot mess of an Embraer jet.

You really can’t fix stupid.

Maybe we should just let Texas be its own fucked up backwards country. Good luck with that Texas.

Don Corns is dick, eh. Fuck him eh? Nothing excuses this level of fuckwittery and pomposity.

Oh my god! I look just like my late mother! Could I...could I be FAMOUS?

Wrong again. I’ve simply said what I wanted to without writing a really boring novel. Justice fot a tattoo artist who is perfectly capable of defending himself is unnecessary. He did just fine without your special brand of help.

Get. A. Life. The only thing I’m revealing is that you’re not mentally stable. Your vitriolic responses over what amounts to two people who don’t agree on something relatively unimportant are telling me you have poor impulse control and that you need something in your life other than a keyboard to pound on.

Injustice? What are you fucking Matlock? This isn't a court case and you sound like an idiot.

Please get a life or a hobby. You're not mentally stable.

Yawn. Sorry to disappoint you, but the reality is that I don’t have vast quantities of time to waste on Internet arguments like you do.

I try to have civil discussions with people rather than lengthy rants, name calling, and an overall lack of respect for somebody that I don’t even know. I try. I was satisfied with the explanation Dan gave in a separate blog post. It was thoughtful and I appreciated that he took the time to address this in such a way.

The “rules” in this instance are arbitrary. Melodramatic comparisons are exactly that and add drama but no relevancy to this specific situation. I’ve personally done nothing to this tattoo artist as I did not author this piece.

Considering this did not impact his body at all, your comparison isn’t an apples and oranges one. He is also in a business to provide a service to people. Hi, I am a tattoo artist, but I’m going to decide who gets what and I’m going to tell my potential client that what she wants is tacky before I even have a full

My grandfather. Born to a Colorado rancher and bank president. Got a degree in sociology and became a very young high school principal. Took a “civil service” test as moral support to a friend. Next thing he knew he had passed and “Wild Bill” Donovan recruited him to work for the OSS. Stayed on with the. CIA until he

Condescension does tend to bring out the worst in people. Especially when it's coupled with an opinion about your personal taste and style. I don't think either party behaved particularly well. His response was, however, far more compelling and matter of fact.

One million useless repressed women bitching about everything. How dare they insult moms. Somebody send them a case of 50 Shades of Grey novels to keep them occupied.

You can get sued for a lot of things, doesn’t mean you’ll win or not be laughed out of court. This is not why he declined the author’s request and is, therefore, irrelevant.

I’m not stupid. I can discuss things intelligently without calling people cunt. He does have ethics, matter of fact he asked for the name calling to cease in his response to the author. His response was quite thoughtful and I can appreciate where he’s coming from. You on the other hand, are just another random


Yes, he does. I read his response to the author and I think if he had taken the time to explain his feelings about this to her in the same thoughtful way everything would have been fine. A flat “not gonna happen” followed by his opinion that it’s tacky the end wasn’t the best approach. It feels superior and judgey.