
It really kind of says something rather unpleasant when there’s so much out there on ladyblog drama. Like the ladies are all about the drama and not about the professionalism.

Fuck Casey Anthony. There's not one single redeeming quality swimming around in her shallow gene pool.

Awww, glad I could help. That’s funny about the mothering. I actually adopted 2 dogs from the same puppy mill rescue effort. I went to adopt a Cocker Spaniel puppy and ended up with him and his shadow, a Cockapoo. The spaniel’s sole purpose in life was to be the mama dog to this sad Cockapoo. Taking one away from the

You're welcome. I hope it works for you. As our vet pointed out, it won't really work long-term, but for stabilizing a situation it's very helpful in 1 - 3 mg doses (definitely consult your vet). It helped my severely abused dog transition into his new forever home when I adopted him. Good luck! I'll keep my fingers

It’s a private and parochial school, so I’m not sure what she expected when refusing to adhere to the dress code. And as a private school it’s their perogative to have and enforce said dress code. Sorry, but she knew that her choice of footwear could land her in detention and/or result in her diploma being withheld

That's true. The shitty aspects were not on her. Although, her version of Bowie...I'd have flat out refused to do it. Not that her performance was bad, but it was just too too cheesy. Bowie should never be cheesy. Wait, there was his version of Alabama Song. Ok, Bowie can literally be cheesy but should avoid it at all

I just wanted to say that I really want to be Jessica Lange when I grow up. Well, minus all the shitty AHS seasons.

If he was first to finish the ride, would he get a bone-us?

Sexy men’s wigs? Like this?

Thank you. We left her two favorite cow and horsie toys perched on the windowsill where she used to watch “cat TV” (birds) as a tribute. I feel bad for my husband. I can't imagine how I'd feel if it had been one of my dogs.

Oh boy. I’m sorry. You’ve got a handful there. I forgot to mention that we were also allowed to give her melatonin for the more severe days. We had to ask ourselves in what universe do the words cat and anti-psych drugs end up in the same sentence and sound right. It didn't and so we made the tough call.

She was very, very difficult. We did try at one desperate point to see if she would be happier with being an indoor/outdoor cat. We put her collar on her and set her out on a stone wall in the backyard. She flipped out and immediately ran inside. W also realized we’d be liable if she was out there and bit somebody.

Sorry, my iPad crapped out before I could finish my response. Yes, she was an indoor only cat. This was a long and weird situation, but I’ll try to keep it short.

Yea, maybe some of her anti-psychotic drugs got into my system and had the opposite effect. Hmmm. I mean we used to call her naps burritoing, so that might be connected to the severance tacos...

Ouch! I got bit on my wrist, all 4 of her fangs dug all the way in. No permanent damage except scars. Almost got me down to the bone.

Cats have some nasty germs. I spent two days in the hospital hooked up to a high-test antibiotic drip after being bitten by our, cat. I should say, the cat we no longer have. Almost lost my whole arm. If you are bitten by a cat, DO NOT DELAY seeking medical attention.

When I was in high school this family who ran a local farm bred and raised Potbellied Pigs. The lady who ran the farm was just amazing and totally old school. She used to spin and dye her own wool to make her kids winter sweaters, hats, and scarves. She was just a really nice person who enjoyed doing things the old

My dream list:

I have yet to see these mythical jorts on an actual man. I’m ok with that.

Where I went to high school at least 2 couples would run off and get married. At least. It horrified me. Then I think about my prom dates and I’m even more horrified. It’s like waking up from a Chantix nightmare and finding out you did marry one of those guys.