
Because the customer can stand there at the gate saying they feel fine and when something goes wrong turn around and sue the airline. Being cautious and concerned for a passengers well being without better documentation does not make said gate attendant a dipshit.

People just love to hate airlines. Granted there is some sound basis for that, but nobody ever talks about what they do right. In my experience, in terms of customer service, they get it right most of the time.

You know what's a real inconvenience? Lawsuits.

Seriously? The hosts were idiots, but he’s bit plenty to say about men too. It just didn’t happen during this 9 minute clip.

If I were this twatmonkeys ex-wife, it would be hard to decide whether to a) punch him in his smarmy ass-chin face (🍑) or b) just be ever so fucking thankful I was no longer married to him.

The last time I tried to cut my little guy's nails, he flipped over onto his back and I ended up with pee in my eyes. Don't let that face fool you, he can be a real jerk :)

Oscar is a weird little dude which is why I love him. His eyelashes are ridiculous.

Somebody should make a movie in the style of a 50s B Movie called something like Attack of the Gays From Uranus. It can have gay aliens descending upon Earth to force heterosexuals to have gay sex. Men and women would be giving anal birth to gay aliens (Gayliens?). Once grown they take on the Pat Robertson in a bloody

You guys deserve tips. My groomer, her retired father, and assistant all have the magic touch. Both of my little guys were abuse cases pulled from a puppy mill and as a result Oscar (the white one) is terrified of most people. Her dad was so gentle with Oscar that he propped his chin up on the side of the tub and

It's confusing, nobody is a jerk for not knowing the ridiculous ins and outs of tipping. I've always tipped the ladies who do my hair, nails, and facials 20%. Likewise, my husband tips the guy that cuts his hair 20%.

Lush is ridiculously expensive. I can't say no to their bath bombs though. It's like crack for your bath. My husband won't use any other kind of soap. I created a monster :)

He does kind of have a Lady Elaine vibe to him.

My unruly, sort of wavy, layered, longer now than when this was taken, color treated, highlighted, fine, but plenty to spare, hair...

I couldn’t fuck any of them. My vagina would just shrivel up and die on contact. Marry Bush because he’s a Bush and they’re not the brightest bulbs—he'd be easy to take in divorce court and something tells me he's crier. Cruz should be killed. Too many good reasons to list here, but 6 feet under seems like a good

He really does. Some people just can't shut up about their lives because they honestly think everyone finds them interesting, so they relish in trotting out the details publicly. I worked with a woman like this and she spent the first hour or two of every Monday standing in the kitchen blabbering on about her

Or the other option of telling them that the topic was not up for discussion. No need to lie.

Oh hell no. The South doesn’t want them. Though we will consider staking Darnelle.

I just adore her. She’s a no nonsense kind of woman which I love.

Why? Why would you even tell your parents this? Would you want to know the intimate details of their marriage? Think about it. Ewww.

Steve Buscemi as a possible backup seems wrong. I’d definitely pick him and not as a backup. And Alan Rickman.