
My husband and I were discussing ridiculous permit requirements, for routine home maintenance and routine repairs, on our way to the Berkshires for the weekend. He's a MA native and even he agrees that it's pocket lining. Not once have I ever had a "safety issue" arise from work done by a licensed, bonded, and

The pipes have been checked and the water tested. Apparently there's nothing harmful in it based on the test results. With the filter it's fine, it's without that tastes funky. My husband tastes something entirely different than me, he gets more of a slight metallic taste. Oldish house on city water which is

Is it possible to charge her with fraud? And then make therapy mandatory so she gets help. She ought to be made to do community service in a cancer ward at least.

You clearly missed the part where I said my home state was humid, traffic is a nightmare, the cost of living is high, the people can be backwards, pretentious so on and so forth. I recognize that it's not for everyone.

Where I'm from had some of the best public schools in the country. We had far more in terms of services to residents than I do in my current city and lower taxes. None of this permit garbage for every little home repair or renovation either. No tolls. Far less bureaucracy.

Who knows, you might find it charming. My experience is what it is and unique to me. Apparently that makes me a whiny brat, bitchy, a sourpuss, and a myriad of other names. If you can live with that kind of person, you'd like MA. Not everyone is like that, I have met some nice people here, just not as easy to find

I don't like your state. I find the parks here unimpressive. I prefer the beaches in New Hampshire. There are other cities that have nicer museums. No, I'm not overly fond of the seasons here. Winter is too long for my liking. I'm used to things being more convenient and dealing with less bureaucracy. This is

I use a blend of olive oil, sugar, and honey to create a lip exfoliating paste. I do NOT use my toothbrush though. I just gently rub the paste onto my lips with my fingertips. Rinse.

No, and that's why I said I was being silly. I've had a well, septic, and even a combination of both. The well water was the worst. Sulphur. Smelled like rotten eggs and was nasty. We ended up putting in a whole house filtration system and it was still not great.o

Ours smells and tastes like mold. We live right next to a cemetery, so I keep imagining the awful things sinking into the ground and getting into the water. Silly, I know.

Of course not, but it's a nice thought all the same.

Another point prover. I don't need to "get" anything because some prideful Masshole has decided I'm bitchy, a sourpuss, and am in need of perspective. Perhaps you're the one in need of perspective? You clearly can't imagine why anybody would find fault with your state.

If you're aiming to prove my point, mission accomplished. Is it so hard to believe that not everyone loves MA? There are plenty of people who have moved to my home state and hate it. So what?


You're absolutely right. I'm just saying it's not my cup of tea. You're not too far from me. My husband works in Leominster. Small world. I know not everyone from MA is jerk and I agree that the social programs that exist are pretty good. I find the level of bureaucracy dumbfounding though.

Thank you for proving my point. Like I said...some Masshole will come along and tell me to love it or leave it. Right on cue.

Remember the Big Dig? Taxes paid for that, but it didn't stop people from complaining. The lack of efficiency on projects big and small is clearly something MA struggles with. I could also say that considering all of the stuff you get nickel and dimed for in addition to taxes that the taxes here seem unreasonably

Unbelievable. It amazes me how many ignorant people wear their discriminatory ways like some badge of honor. It amazes me more that they honestly believe they’re the victims here. And other ignorant people are buying it. It makes me sad and a little sick to my stomach.

No. No, it's not. Maura Healey is a rare bright spot in an otherwise full of people who think being called a "Masshole" is a compliment state. Potholes, snow, more snow, more fucking snow, worst drivers ever, rude people, snobs, hipsters, sports fanatics, nanny laws, it's not called Taxachusetts for fun, and I