There is a huge double standard, but it might exist more for the purpose of avoiding a lawsuit. The process can be reversed for men and not for women. Not that it's desirable to go reversing that type of surgery.
There is a huge double standard, but it might exist more for the purpose of avoiding a lawsuit. The process can be reversed for men and not for women. Not that it's desirable to go reversing that type of surgery.
I think you actually stated it more perfectly than I could. "So, yay?!" Exactly. For late in the day you definitely get it :). It's an odd feeling that isn't easily explained.
For those of us who did the whole deep soul searching thing, were honest with ourselves, and refused to be held to a societal standard when making the decision not to have kids, you might be surprised at just how difficult it is to admit you're not cut out to be a parent. And how difficult it is to dodge what feel…
I don't have a problem with Honeyfunds or any type of fund a couple might set up to either celebrate their union or start their life together. If it's more useful to them than blenders and toasters then that's great.
She's a wonderful actress and I won't argue that her role is well written, but I wouldn't say she's the "best". Maybe the most complex or the most deep. Brilliantly played by Shipka. Please, please don't let her be another child actor that can't transition into adult roles. She's too good an actress to let that…
Really? Have we gotten to the point where it's necessary to tax things to death so people are forced to choose alternatives? Perhaps the numbers of people with health conditions related to poor dietary choices supports this, but is it right to to police pantries and refrigerators? I say no. That is the goal here,…
I'm, gasp, not a Taylor Swift fan. Really, I just don't like her music, but as a person she seems pretty awesome. I typically don't make that distinction when it comes to celebrities because I don't know them personally, so it seems weird to say anything. But, I love her spirit and how charitable she is.Yeah, I…
I disagree. I believe this is appropriate and I'm delighted to see what seems to be an improving balance of fluff and serious content.
Thank you. She left me some doozies. One of my favorites comes from a trip she booked for us to Disney World and then a cruise. I was 8 I think, but way too sophisticated than was probably good for me. Not unusual for the burbs of DC. Mama on the other hand had grown up dirt poor in West Virginia and was not very…
One of the most cringeworthy moments of my life was my mother randomly blurting out one day that "no self-respecting woman would EVER stick a dick in her mouth". Whet? That very word must have registered on my face.
What are these kids things you speak of? Are those the little people our friends are so fond of having? Kidding! But seriously...
No, which is why I asked what I was missing. Yeah, he looks pretty slapable. I'd still go for the parents that created the monster, I mean child, first though.
I must be missing something, but it seems like it would be far more gratifying to slap the parents of said unruly child. I mean it's not the kid's fault that his parents are entitled douchewits.
It was a horror show. There was a hollow recess above our front door and they'd made themselves right at home. We never heard or saw anything until the contractor installing the new door ran across our lawn screaming with a bunch of angry hornets chasing him.
The acting is horrible except for the turkey, he was awesome. I love the scene with him and tge Sherrtif.
My husband travels a lot and I get a little freaked out when I'm here at night by myself. Especially since the previous owner of our house and the guy who built our deck are both buried there. Thankfully, neither has decided to visit.
They're terrifying with their cold dead stares *shudder*. In the fall we can hear them warbling as they decend upon us. One attacked a police cruiser last year. Another crashed through the window of a school bus full of elementary school kids. Yup, a fuck they give not.
Crinoline, the fabric, was actually invented in the 1830s, not the 1850s, if you wish to split hairs. I did correct myself , in my response to you, and say that full skirts had been in fashion fairly consistently for hundreds of years whether by farthingale, petticoats, crinolines, cages, whalebone, etc. Call all…