A crazy lady associated with Rick Santorum? Nooooo. I would have been totes impressed had he asked her opinion on chemtrails. Missed opportunity there pal.
A crazy lady associated with Rick Santorum? Nooooo. I would have been totes impressed had he asked her opinion on chemtrails. Missed opportunity there pal.
I'd hardly call it a struggle compared to what the Martese Johnson's of the world have to put up with. It is a small struggle especially since I'm now in New England where there are no racists or ignorant people. Yeah, if you couldn't feel the eyeroll on that something is wrong with you. I've had people actually…
I'm a very proud Virginian. I'm proud to be Southern. I do my best to fight the stereotypes that often come along with these two things. Today I am not proud... I am reminded just why such stereotypes exist.
She's not an alien, she's actually Bill Cosby in disguise. He took over her "physical body" so he could orchestrate his comeback by making pudding pops laced with special "gluten free" ingredients. Just wait until Goop starts posting adorable little pudding pop recipes. You'll see that I'm totally right.
He looks like Bill Nighy and Phil Collins had a baby.
Delusional and self-absorbed aren't a nice combination. Heather should think about playing another tune. Then again, the fucks anybody would actually give wouldn't be worth the effort.
Willful ignorance much?
The nerve of that ghost trying to "chock" her boyfriend. Yelper spelling is truly special. There should be a special Yelp dictionary to help literate people decode reviews.
I'm with you on this one. They're words, not truths. Knowing that is empowering enough for me. Trying to dress something negative up as positive just doesn't feel empowering. That's just me though.
Britney Spears. That was not amazing on any level. Maybe he's worried that you'll go all mental and start beating him with umbrellas.
As long as you didn't chip a nail.
And that is what makes the encounter even more bizarre. My dress was downright conservative compared to this one.
Boston! Pretty please.
Still better than your toothbrush! And I agree that you can never have enough matte lipsticks. So versatile and long lasting. If I'm going for a lipgloss look that will last longer than just gloss, I use matte lipstick and then layer it with a similar color gloss. Clear gloss works too, but it tends to look better…
Not sure if this counts as throwing hands, but it certainly involved hands and was just flat out bizarre. We had our wedding at an historic beach hotel in New Hampshire. We had the main ballroom reserved for our reception and it was just lovely. We decided to do karaoke at the end of the night when everybody was…
Powder, liquid foundation, or a primer made specifically for lips all work. A good quality lipstick is key in in my book though. Long wear lip stains, sticks, and glosses can feel and be very drying, so taking care of your lips is important.