
Imma just gonna wait for Business Insider to start doing What Car Should I Buy?

This slideshow format is garbage. I’ve stuck with Jalopnik for a long time, and Tom, David, and Torch are primary reasons why.

But making articles into slideshows to generate more ad views is going to be a REAL quick way to kill a lot more ad views, myself included.

I hope the Herb up top hears this, but probably not.

Yeah, he just needs to pull those bootstraps just a little bit harder!

eat my balls

Im entirely confident you could buy a baller house in Norman, Oklahoma – or whatever god forsaken town you live in. But for the rest of us that live in big cities 400k would barely buy you a serviceable garage.

Your head is in the right place, but your playing the wrong sport.

Just a hunch but it might have something to do with the massive egos that drive men to this field. It’s like the super-jock star quarterback position within the medical field. The “I alone can give you the beautiful perfection that god himself was unable to do!” and then fill his practice with a staff of living models

I can concede the 355 is better than the 348, but the 360 is by far the prettier car than the 430, which don’t get me wrong the 430 is a great design but the 360 just seems more honesty with its smoother front end, and the 458 is by FAR a prettier design than the 488. The 488's side-view looks awkward, the intakes on

Just a few weeks ago, there was a police chase here. The cops forced the car they were pursuing out-of-lane, where it collided with another officer performing some unrelated task. She, and the suspects, were killed instantly. Police chases are dangerous and stupid, not in the least because in the modern era tracking a

I feel like it’s dark enough to appease the Black and dark Grey buyers but unique enough when it shines. Perfect mix for this color climate we’re in. 

<flame suit on>

“... there are buku blubber butts with enough cash...”

It’s as though the flag of convenience suddenly has become an inconvenience.

You sound pretty salty.  Maybe you should take a vacation.  A cruise perhaps

That’s kinda a dumb argument.  You can’t spend health insurance on a new car.  It doesn’t matter if total compensation has stayed even with inflation because you can only spend what’s in your check every pay period.  That’s it.  As long as those are below inflation (and they absolutely, demonstrably ARE), your

The source isn’t BLS. The source for this chart is AEI, which is a right-wing policy group. The figure they use here to represent hourly wages is more commonly referred to as total compensation. It includes benefits like health care. Here, it’s misleading because the chart would lead you to think that line is

America is already a socialist country - but only for the wealthy. Everyone else gets rugged free market capitalism.

Wait was the S4 ever an M or AMG fighter? I thought that was the RS’s job.

The CB-F Concept seems to take the UJM look, rake it more aggressively, and add some modern lighting.

I feel like the japanese bike makers have become like the US Big 3 - endlessly regurgitating ‘retro’ Mustangs, Camaros and Chargers designed to capture the boomer market.