
That's so amazing capturing that moment.

Can't wait to use it

True. I agree. Although there's going to be technologies that come up that might change all that. I guess it's hard to say

That's true. But in 10 years that's going to be so minimal, that's like having a 2KB thumb drive today

I remember one of my teachers used a Netbook, class really sucked. This was 2013 I'm talking about, and he had a Net book from who knows when. Just imagine trying to teach photoshop

At least the app can help you focus on things. I've found that if I can focus on the games, that it helps me focus in school.

and their future proofed you're not going to be able to use free 2 gigabyte flash drives soon in the future.

Hence the lack of faster communicating, social networks, and the Internet. He would be big in this day

I really don't like how Apple uses Bing.

Makes sense. Just need some anti-glair

Self parking cars and everything Tesla offers

Yes I heard that beats music subscription prices were going to drop, but only rumors of apple integrating beats into iTunes. Are you getting your information here sourced from Beats or Apple? If not then there's no way of actually knowing.

Poor poor Internet Explorer...

I'll get one for another layer of security. This will be especially handy when for some chance I don't have my phone, but my car keys instead.

hurray for Google actually using songza, unlike apple and beats

Although I wonder if the battery is going to last

Exactly. If it's upgrades and still works, it's still as useful the day it came out

That's a smart way to go. Not easy for the average person, but I can see how that would be better than an iPad 2 in some respects, especially when they stop developing for it. Do you think they'll be able to pull off Android Lollipop?

Yeah I fortunately find it unfair that you need to pay $99 to be a registered developer.

This could save time for someone needing icons or buttons when developing any app. Impressive