Ahh! This is my hometown! I had no idea that my aggravation at stop signs was completely warranted.
@samcheck: "Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection."
Does anyone else ever tweet the "@_@" face just to accidentally @ some dude named "_" ?
Is that... Comic Sans in his keynote??
I call this one the "Shake Weight PLUS"
If you really want a cool experiment, place a 9V battery to some steel wool.
Why didnt they just make it a Rubix cube that you have to solve each time you wish to type out a single letter
A supersized Nexus One for reading?
Theres NO way that there's cows blood in my Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix
Does anyone else get a kick that the full name is "Democratic Republic" of the Congo
But... its STILL a Dell. They werent able to change that I guess.
I thought it was funny the guy who said he was picked on and bullied for being a nerd (moreso than being gay)
I first saw this and thought it was a really good render some fan came up with to scare us....
For someone with so much money and control of a company with such beautiful design, I am terribly disappointed in Job's lack of fashion sense.
My photo is a drawn self portrait of myself fist tapping green lantern. I think I beat this chart??
Sounds like that ipod kid who was hit by the train could have used this app....
This is going to make the next James Bond movie so cool....