Pineapple Jonze

Okay, that's not bad, but it'd be great if you had a page like you currently have (but more prominently placed), where we can see all the columns that have ever existed on the site at once so we can discover things we never knew existed.

One thing that's difficult on other Kinja sites like Gizmodo is finding specific articles and columns from the past. A.V. Club has decades of articles that are not meant to be disposable, but read, re-read and discovered over the years. How are you going to make sure that all the wonderful content you've built remains

Where's the long version of the video this week?

And here I thought it was Rickman's American accent

Ignatiey just said "we'll talk in a sec about how I liked it and you didn't" then the video stops at the end of the synopsis and we don't ever see the conversation! What gives?!!! I wanna hear Dowd talk. I wanna hear them debate! Why are these vids so short that they can't even cover how they felt about the film?

You refer to Exorcist III as Blatty's directorial debut. That was actually 1980's The 9th Configuration, a strange Catch 22 like spiritual comedy/thriller which Blatty has argued was the true spiritual sequel to Exorcist. There's a case to be made there as one is about the existence of evil and the other is about the

I'm excited for both these features, but I wonder why History of Violence starting in the 60s? 1954's Seven Semourai is the tonal godfather of the genre and the first couple Bond movies leaned shamelessly on 1959's North By Northwest (the film that also invented the 'cool guy walks away from explosion' shot)

The films colossal flaw of being just as good as Goodfellas but longer, being even more awesomely MTV inspired, and coming out later.

"Is that you Scooby?"