
Has any team ever done this successfully?

No shit. It just baffles me why anyone would ever take this dumb-ass seriously and this transcript demonstrates why the Australian PM thought he was being prank called — “There’s no way the American President is this stupid ... This has to be a prank ... I wonder who’s trying to prank call me ... Oh, shit this is

... What the hell is an “anti-marriage”?

The irony in this whole thing is that I read someplace (can’t remember where) that Mooch really had his sights set on becoming Chief of Staff. It was implied that this was part of the reason why Mooch waged a public war against Reince and accused Reince of being the “leaker.” 

You just summarized the modern Conservative/GOP philosophy.

Litigation is expensive, time consuming and requires one to deal with a lot of bullshit, even under the best of circumstances. When your opponent is an organization like the NFL, you also have the additional displeasure of dealing with human beings who are especially arrogant and dishonest jerks.

Apparently, in Bizzaro GOP Senate Land, voting “Yes” to pass a bill after you were promised that it would never get signed into law because it is so terrible is a ... “win?”

Trump has an uncanny ability to attract so many weirdos, sycophants, morons and idiots into his orbit. I’ll bet even Putin chuckles at the level of stupidity and ignorance occupying the highest levels of the US government right now.

Republicans are that irritating friend watching you do a DIY home improvement project, telling you that you’re doing everything wrong, offering totally unsolicited advice and bragging that he’s so smart because he’s done these types of projects hundreds of time that he was so good, he actually considering getting his

Seems like this should have been resolved pretty easily. According to Over The Cap, he has 2 years left on his deal (9.4m in 2017 and 9.75m in 2018) with no guaranteed money. So convert part of his non-guaranteed salary into an immediate signing bonus. For simple math, let’s make it 10m, which he gets to pocket

Sadly, I think this is all too true and very depressing. The analogy I use is the Titanic. We’ve spotted the iceberg and we’re on course to hit the iceberg. But instead of taking evasive maneuvers, people on the bridge are arguing over who is at fault for not spotting the iceberg sooner and no one wants the

I tend to agree that this is Putin applying subtle pressure to get Trump to do his bidding.

I agree that there’s a ton more dirt out there and Trump is in real danger, but I think firing Mueller would be a big mistake. Fox, Hannity and MAGA idiots will never abandon Trump, and right now, he has just enough GOP insiders on his side who have bought in to Trump’s “reality TV” presidency — it’s all a game to

A Play in Four Acts

I never understood why people thought she had any mainstream appeal. OK, so she started occasionally challenging the Fox News narrative after Trump started attacking her. So what?

The fact that this jerkoff is probably right makes me wonder though: why the fuck did the Trump clan going to such lengths to hide their contacts with the Russians? Why did they issue such forceful denials about ANY involvement with Russians? Why make up so many lies that they can’t even keep their stories straight?

What’s truly amazing is how all these people who entered into Trump’s orbit are complete fucking weirdos. It’s like a pre-requisite for the job. I mean seriously - If the way they present themselves on TV is an accurate reflection of their everyday personality, I cannot imagine having a normal conservation on mundane

In all honesty, this is really shocking behavior for a media organization - even one as openly biased and partisan as Fox News.

That’s going to be the underlying theme of his defense lawyer’s closing argument at trial:

“It could very well have been Russia”...“I won’t be specific, but I think a lot of people interfered”...“Nobody really knows for sure”