
Something irks me about the way she seems to be going down the whole ‘media is out to get me, this is my response’ album route, what with the cover art and ‘reclaiming’ snakes with the gifs (surely she knows that’s what people call her). Firstly, compared to plenty of artists I don’t think she gets a bad rap at all by

Love the new site!

What are you talking about? There's nothing like that in there.

It was the sounds of her being beaten for me. Confused as to how she just ended up with bruises when the audio really made it sound like her skull got smashed.

Yeah only true alphas sexually assault women.

right? i'm 20 and just learning guitar and piano, with the goal of recording at some point. didn't realise it was a weird thing.

the first two are definitely my favourite. the whole album gets better every time i listen.

unlike '2' and 'salad days' there are no instant classics in here, which puts this firmly alongside 'rock and roll nightclub' for me. while this record does kind of play like mac on cruise control, i'm getting the feeling that this is his last pit stop with this vibe before moving on to new sounds and, either way, i'm

Mashup Mashup, Mashup!

No matter how many times I watch it, when "Baby Love Child" comes in at the end of that Futurama episode with Leela's parents, I still cry. Such a beautiful sequence.

*audible shrug*

Worst Job Ever, Internet! Seriously, aside from the unconvincing VHS effect, what about this says 90s?

That was good….but not great.


It's not even clever, you keep using it as the word 'Chang'!

The AV Club

The serious moolah! The little finger-rubbing thing means the serious moolah!

I get what you're trying to say but, in my opinion, it has a lot of substance - not just 'a bit'. It's just not laid out as obviously as other shows. Also I don't think it's failed on execution since season 1 but I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree!

I think it already reached that point last year but, hey, if it can convince more people then all the better.

No substance? Martial Eagle and Echo from season 2 were absolutely devastating episodes of television. I think The Americans often gets a bad rap as 'emotionless' but I honestly don't think that could be further from the truth.