
Beth, it applies to every vaping product, not just the liquid. Tanks, atomizers, mods, pens, etc....

But if there’s anything she’s taught me, it’s that you don’t bring children into the world because you want them to thank you later.

After dating a girl with the arm implant, I literally can’t see a reason why anyone would want any other form of birth control.

Porn certainly made me feel shitty about the way I looked. We didn’t have the money for me to whine about getting procedures to my parents though (while my amazing parents did save up money to get lazer hair removal after years of seeing me come home in tears from being teased by peers).

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

If I buy my gal a ring for $21k (AAAAACK), she'd better be able to summon Captain Planet with that thing.


Toxic moms feed off their kid’s shitty feelings. If it could be boxed as a cereal, they would buy it.