Pimp Hand Strong

Leaving your home isn’t the same as advertising your existence. Since there are no space faring civilizations in the neighborhood, we can jog around the block without getting mugged.

I don’t know if I would say he got what was coming to him. Common knowledge is if your going slow in the left lane and someone comes up behind you, then move into the slower lane if possible. Brake checking when the other lane is open is a dick move IMO

Great, now I am going to have to pay more attention to my bookshelf and make sure it isn’t communicating with me.

your mom doesn’t mind being told

in celebration of nikola's day of birth, i drove my tesla model S to the Kwikshop and doused the roof of the coupe with premium gasoline. onlookers stood and gawked as gas poured over the car and spilled onto the lot. "guys am i doing this right? am i doing this right?" i yelled with sarcastic panic, before bouncing