
There are entirely too many people in here (especially the author of the review) who take themselves and this show way to seriously. This genre is supposed to be fun. Last night's episode was just that: incredibly fun.

When the episode started with "Do I like this show? Nay." without over-exaggerating the nay, I was strapped in and ready to roll at that point.

If you were on board with the storylines up until Frank's liver transplant, than what was so implausible about Deb's storyline last night? That was a big chunk of last night's episode. Regardless of how we felt about Matt early and wondering what his motives were, would any of us react that differently if our grown

Couldn't disagree more. This was my favorite of the season. It had essentially every aspect of what makes Shameless a great show flowing seamlessly.

I actually enjoyed that they didn't confirm Steve's death. It was refreshing to see a show assume that it's audience was intelligent enough to know it for true.