Isn't Chewy an adjective?
Isn't Chewy an adjective?
I am waiting for the Greedo spin-off which showed he was a slow shot since his childhood. Always shooting second…
May the junk be with you.
Spectacular comment!
Stupid millenials! They gotta learn some computer history!
You just opened a jar jar of pickles!
I want to be a 4.5.
Can you like my comment, pretty please? :-)
Deadpool has the best credits scene ever!
I enjoy Crossing Lines, iZombie, Bosch and The Fall, but enough is enough!
Even cheap fanzines and graffitti are art. The only case where I would doubt whether to call something art or not is with pretentious BS like modern art.
Buttplug is a real pain the arse!
You are just being problematic.
Go watch Guardians of the Galaxy now!
I agree. They are fun.
I would like a TV series more.
This one is related to the wait and see for franchises: stop with the cliffhangers when not necessary. Not every movie should end with TO BE CONTINUED. I know they want people to watch the rest of the franchise, but every movie should be able to stand on its own.
Right. It's only that I thought Lucas was a guy who could do no wrong.
Hopefully they will add make a Special Edition of this episode with more CGI in a few years.
But Trade Federations are storytelling!