
This is the best album in a very long time and is also definitive proof that the entire Internet needs to be fucking destroyed.

This show has been "Stupid people killing each other in stupid ways" for all three seasons. I have never understood the ridiculous praise for a show with such consistent implausibility, idiocy, and childish nihilism in its writing.

You are not alone. Those have been my thoughts on the show the whole time.

I'm ecstatic. Fucking potato compartment.

My God, at long last it feels like Frisky Dingo lives again. Snoops get poops.

Masturbatory is exactly how I would describe a lot of the so-called prestige television these days, especially from Noah Hawley. It's good to know I'm not alone, disheartening/slightly gratifying to know that the Internet is no longer a place for dissenting opinions.

Not when you aren't even allowed to voice a dissenting opinion without having it scrubbed for not fitting the narrative of the hype machine.

If the scene where he blandly recounts how his mother died while singing 99 Luftballons as he sort of mispronounces the name of the song or the umpteenth scene of the supposed muscle of a mutant organization acts like a cartoonish little girl do anything for you more power to you.

I value abstraction and experimentalism, but not particularly when they are done for their own sake and/or don't justify themselves by being interesting and inspired enough. I'm curious what things you would feel outside of sympathy for David's illness, or if you felt anything for characters like Ptonomy and Kerry.

This is against my better judgement but I'm feeling like I'm going crazy here. This was a meaningless season of television. There were no characters. The acting was mediocre. The visuals were uninspired. The dialogue was too clever by half. The whole show was. The fact that so many recent shows get praised for their

You very clearly do not understand what the show is going for. Pay closer attention to Gutierrez's reactions (a man that literally spat on Kurtwell and could barely contain his rage when near him) to what Lenny is doing in the Kurtwell confession scene next time you watch it.

It's slightly disheartening that no one has picked up on the significance of Kurtwell's fate. First of all, based on the last episode, his heartfelt confession explaining the roots of his evils is implied to be a fabrication, or at the very least an over exaggerated and practiced speech. He is sitting there lying to

God smiles

Best hour of television in a long time. Love found.

I think it's interesting that they are maintaining the airing of two episodes in quick succession format. It's pretty masterful the way the show weaves in and out of the ambiguity of what Lenny is doing and how it ties in to the greater episode overall. These past two are the equivalent of being out in the cold of

For posterity's sake, best television show in a long time.

The Young Pope is very easily the best show of the past year, and maybe the best thing to air on HBO in a decade. It is the truth.