Explains why the WaPo is not swarming the growing FBI scandals...
Explains why the WaPo is not swarming the growing FBI scandals...
But the WaPo has been a political operative for Hillary and the DNC for years now... they are lucky the still get paid to be “journalists”.
Really ? Most in your Reservation are OK will illegals coming here to take welfare and break more laws? What will you say when YOUR federal welfare runs our of money for these unlimited illegals ? (Your welfare is absolution deserved, their’s is not) . Do you know anyone with a DUI who tried to cross into Canada ? …
WOW, you must be a Liberal SnowFlake’s SnowFlake.... What would Jesus say ? Interesting you think he would curse some soul to their face. Not a Christian, are you?
Like my 68' Vette convertible, my TDI Jetta, my TJ Rubi, I enjoy sticks... and Diesel...