
I despise kinja. Like I despise the Dinklebergs

Ah I did not know that!

It's the usage of ">" that disappoints me. Not Macross and AT.

>Adventure Time and Macross.

If you were there and did nothing to stop it, you are a piece of shit. That's my stance on anyone at that party that witnessed the assault and didn't think "Hey this is wrong, I should maybe try to stop it".

Rent a PC game...

Fun, yes. That can happen. But i look at things from a logical and economical point of view. It's the "fun" worth $60? It has never failed me.

You're missing the point. You can ignore the reviews. If they feel they need to embargo them because they think it will impact sales that shows they have no confidence.

I don't think you people know how to use that word.

No. It's not about the reviews themselves. If a developer doesn't want people seeing reviews until after it goes on sale then something fishy is going on. And how is someone supposed to get their own gameplay without buying it? The only thing you can do is either watch streams or pirate it.

Women and black characters are treated with thoughtless disdain

Turn off your crazy mode. He was being sarcastic.

Then you should be worried. It's the quiet ones that are the weirdos

Is that Vic Mignogna doing a voice? It looks awful.

We have 3 separate branches. If you think things don't go on behind his back, you are mistaken.

I'm just tired of certain communities bringing drama to gaming because of their social issues or because they feel oppressed or offended because something did not cater to them. Gaming used to be about gaming. Getting together and having fun. Now it's about pushing agendas on people. Considering how vocal some of

E3 hasn't been "Awesome" since like 2007.

who is obviously pretty angry about this

Tell that to the parents of the girl who was stabbed. Or you know, the girl who was stabbed.