Oh no, almost 1/10 of 1% of the people who watched the last episode are upset enough to put a name on an online form!
Oh no, almost 1/10 of 1% of the people who watched the last episode are upset enough to put a name on an online form!
The Knicks are irrelevant
It so badly wants to be “Before Sunrise”
As if we needed more proof that people are looking for reasons to complain. You haven’t seen the not-yet-aired final episode of Season 8 and you’re already calling it disappointing.
The ideal sport to use a promotion/relegation system would be college basketball. Abolish the current Division I-II-III structure and organize all 1100-ish basketball schools into a 10 level pyramid.
The ideal sport to use a promotion/relegation system would be college basketball. Abolish the current Division I-II-III structure and organize all 1100-ish basketball schools into a 10 level pyramid.
Every version of “capitalism is bad” is very me-centric
There are no heroes in the world of Westeros.
Underwhelming death is the Lannister way...
Arya gives up revenge when she sees the city burning and the innocents dying as a result of it.
Did you watch the first seven seasons? One of the overriding themes is that death isn’t satisfying. People don’t get cool deaths, they get trampled by boars (offscreen) or beheaded by callous teenagers or shot while sitting on the toilet or choke & puke on poison or walk out a window.
Eventually people will realize D’Antoni is a terrible big game coach
It’s gotta be Fred Astaire. Or at least movie!Astaire. Nothing bothered that guy. Throw any problem in the world at him and he’d just keep on dancing.
I’m shocked, shocked to find a Mike D’Antoni team choking in the playoffs
If she felt there was immediate danger, she should have contacted the police
Biden’s electability must be how he won so many primaries in 1988 and again in 2008
Real ballistae were accurate on moving targets much smaller than dragons up to 500 meters away.
Someone asked that on the IG post and got this answer:
Even in the 70's their political humor was more “Gerald Ford falls down alot” rather than anything pointed. It’s just that back then televised political satire was otherwise pretty much limited to Mark Russell’s occasional PBS appearances.
Why do you want more political humor? SNL is not very good at it and everybody else is already doing it.