
Ideally the same window Tommen stepped out of

The opposite is Christian Bale in American Psycho

Cersei will be killed by the one and only character who has remained loyal to her from the first season, Gregor Clegane.

Mayhew didn’t do Chewie’s voice

Because Lannisters always pay their debts

So the climactic battle will be the forces of science and rationality, led by Qyburn and Cersei, against the forces of mysticism and superstition, led by the three eyed raven and a couple of dragons. All of Westeros should hope the former wins, for it might finally lead to some progress in this society that’s been

I was sorely tempted to try the first time I saw one, but even dumb teenage me finally thought better of it.

I don’t think there’s any chance he’ll win, which is why the show should kill him off tomorrow and get it out of the way.

The Night King. Make the last three eps about the game of thrones instead of supernatural mumbo jumbo.

Melisandre’s return means doom for ….?

He’ll fit right in with the president who stopped inviting the women’s NCAA basketball champs to the White House, a tradition started by that pansy-ass liberal Ronald Reagan.

The show is going to do the one thing nobody expects with the final season; have everyone live happily ever after

Avenatti is greasier than Zorro’s hatband

Star Trek TOS: Devil in the Dark, Errand of Mercy, City on the Edge of Forever

I don’t think you can get away with that kind of racism, homophobia and religious insensitivity on television anymore

Stick to sports

Bran obviously knows it is ultimately what is in everyone’s best interests, even if it brings personal pain.

It’s the III that puts him over the top

Tyrion will get lordship over Casterly Rock after Cersei and Jaime are killed, which is all he really wanted in the first place.  He’ll marry Brienne and they’ll have weird looking kids.

What happens when he can just sit back and drink and rule?