
Literally any form of art or creative field could be described as “only exist[ing] in front of an audience.” Writing, painting, dancing, sculpture, composition, acting, singing, playing an instrument, cooking, architecture, interior design, fashion, graphic design, making friggin’ friendship bracelets - all of those

I am absolutely flabbergasted at the idea that a goddamn KKK member somehow needs to be welcomed onto the campus of a historically black college so that the student body can be “exposed” to his ideas. (“Oh my god! Racism is a thing? We had no idea! Thanks for exposing us to this new concept!”) I would want that piece

Honestly, I think the best solution would be getting rid of meaningless sizes altogether (what the hell is the point of saying a given pair of pants is a 6 when another pair of pants with the exact same dimensions might be a 2 and another one a 12?) and just putting the actual, honest measurements of the relevant

As another chronically ill person, I regret that I have but one star to give this comment. I get very tired of the counter-argument to “having a fat body is shameful” so often seeming to be “nuh-uh, having an unhealthy body is shameful!”

So, an idiot troll a couple of days ago mocked the idea that ableism is something anyone should care about.

Yup. I did that for several days when I had a really bad stye that looked super-gross. I felt goofy wearing sunglasses, but it seemed easier than either staying home for a week because of a minor, non-contagious ailment or having people go OH MY GOD WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOUR EYE EWWWWWWW everywhere I went. If I were a

I think the important thing to ask him (if you still want to ask him things) is essentially “where the hell did that come from?” There’s a difference between a person who answers that question with “My racist jackass family member used to say that word all the time when I was little, and for years I copied them

I’m sorry, is your actual objection “all you’ve got here is a scientific study providing specific facts and figures, not a convincing argument like a single anecdote about one person’s subjective feelings about Uber”? That’s really what you’re going with?

I dunno, I kinda like it. It’s the attention to detail that sells it for me. If it were just “orange-haired troll doll in Trump hat,” I’d be “meh” about it, but the ill-fitting suit and red tie hanging way too low take it into “actually, that’s kinda funny” territory. I just wish he’d skipped the troll doll gloves in

I’m sorry reading seven whole sentences is so exhausting for you, kiddo. Since I don’t particularly feel like wasting more of my day talking to a brick wall, I’ll just say that there’s a whole big internet out there filled with information about discrimination against people with disabilities. You can choose to

The fact that it’s the first time you’ve heard of it might just possibly suggest that you don’t have a very informed opinion on the subject, but apparently you’re not about to let that stop you.

Gosh, I’m shocked to learn that you’re not disabled. This is my shocked face.

Why in the hell should ableism not be a big concern? Are you disabled?

While the rape scene soured me on Spike, as it did most people, up until that point, Spike > Angel, hands down. But that’s mostly because I find “dark and brooding” pretty boring, whereas Spike had a sense of humor and seemed to actually like Buffy as well as loving her.

Having a fetish for being tied up, or pretending to be a naughty schoolgirl, or being peed on, or fucking while dressed as a Teletubby and singing Christmas carols in Pig Latin: fine, have fun, whatever. People should not be shamed for those things as long as everybody involved is a consenting adult who’s on board

Uh, pretty easily, when all of the people involved are male? It wouldn’t even be outside the realm of possibility if everyone involved were female, since that’s only an average of roughly 42 years between generations. It is not unheard of for women to give birth at age 42, and it’s definitely not at all unheard of for

Yep. Random homeless guy reeking of urine on the train, boss’s boss who would have had me fired if I’d complained, and several in between. Whee.

The number of people who apparently think the best response to assholish Republican women is to say, “hur hur she looks like a man” on Jezebel, of all places, is seriously depressing me right now. Like, seriously, this is how we push back against Trump, by insulting women’s looks and being transphobic as hell? Yeah,

If you only just discovered him, make sure you read “Dark Dungeons,” which helpfully explains that playing D&D means joining a Satanic cult, casting mind-control spells on your parents, and committing suicide out of guilt if your D&D character dies. It’s my favorite.

In fairness, there are celebrity kids who look like their parents and celebrity kids who look remarkably like one of their parents. Most kids, celebrity or otherwise, look vaguely like their moms and vaguely like their dads (or don’t really look like either of them but look vaguely like some aunt or uncle or