
Have to imagine it's for cafes, libraries, schools, etc. No way this is for the home use.

I've been saying this forever.

@browndanielusn: Don't you have to root (aka "jailbreak") most Android phones to be able to tether?

This would save me a lot of time of throwing stuff in dropbox for my friends...

@Wheema: How has apple made digital content not affordable... ?

@Wheema: I never understood why people think things like this are plausible.

@Benjamin Patron: as long as things are not free, I don't think it will reduce piracy.

@MechaTama31: Think about that for a second: If it's so large and so fast growing... why are they being ignored?

@D0GG: Try close to 30 smartphones.

Welcome to like 6 years ago?

@saxgod: You certainly showed them, hoss.

It's something about an iPhone, so I'm compelled to comment something about Andriod.

I don't know if I can dig the off-the-screen text.

@RandomIdiot: The irony of your handle makes your comment amazing.

@wild_world_girl: And the Droidsheep still won't shut the fuck up because of their inferioriy complex.

@hhhtseng: Pretty sure you can within the first 30 days.

@.Trenchant.: It's official: You weren't going to anyways.