
@psipher: then go buy a bunch of Roku's and shut the fuck up.

@scrapplejoe: then it would have been $400 and you'd be bitching about the price

To all the people who say "My *insert device name* already does this" ok cool.

streaming from an idevice is cool, but if the only way I can stream all my .avi's etc. to it is converting them to itunes im going to be really upset.

@Hurting Now: Probably because it didn't exist until today.

@OCEntertainment: By reporting me, aren't you going against what you just got done ranting about?

@OCEntertainment: I'm going to go write an article about how much 2+2 equaling 4 pisses me off.

@ChickenPotPython: It likely has more to do with the fact that you need to go to safari and unlock the feature than the feature itself existing, which is why it's being petitioned for Apple to allow the use of volume buttons as controls.

@ThreeOneFive: as I said, I don't disagree. We all knew this was coming.

@OCEntertainment: No where did I say this was right, but lets stop acting surprised and get all bent out of shape when Apps blatently violate the license agreement.

@showbiz2: Where do you live? The middle of North Dakota?

@taniquetil: Take up extra room on a harddisk and processor cycles? Are you rocking an e-machine or something?

Bcs thy knw Gzmd ndd nw trvl ss t btch bt?

@Solday: Who gives a shit if it can play L4D2. How's it output 1080p and output HD streaming?

I really think people are selling the "App Factor" of something like this. Think cheap Wii. Everyone loves the Wii. Everyone.

@tetzel1517: I think AirVideo as is would likely work.

@h0mi: Apps.

@taniquetil: Given that it's going to run apps, AirVideo sounds like it will make bank off this.