
The only problem is, it seems certain writers just won't let shit go, as if they were personally disrespected. Hell, the person who had their privacy violated (Jason) doesn't seem to let it effect him or his writing.

@hole: Uhm... a single phone, not a combination of every damn phone running any kind of bastardization of "android".

@NonAnon2222: I haven't said it to that many people, because like I said... you're not the average consumer. It's generally tech people who comment on tech blogs, as I said.

@FreeDummy: So what you're all saying is... if you have shitty reception it remains shitty when you do this?

@ekap: since they've got no problems.

Annnnd, I still can't replicate this issue on my phone. Maybe a few more articles on it will make it happen.

@NonAnon2222: It's about as retarded as the "OMG IT TELLS ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN'T DO" retards.

@barrywoods: Like I said, you're all thinking like tech-geeks and not the layman.

@NonAnon2222: You can VNC on an iPad to your main computer already. You'll be able to multitask just fine when iOS4 is put on in a month or so.

@Leonick: You and 5 people won't carry a product.

I can't wait for the full-OS tablet everyone whines about anytime an iPad is mentioned.

@kissarmymax: I wonder why there wasn't 8 articles a day about this issue...

@gstatty: It's funny how people attack the iPhone people, but Android people revel in anything that can be seen as a "victory". Talk about an inferiority complex. It's like the OLD school mac people.

My mom can use an iPhone.

@Crashproof: "I've never used an iPad" would have been a more appropriate response.

Wait, there's an antenna problem?

@MazdaMania: Hey, I heard Nexus One's cause cancer.

@AustinFound: How about one to tell you to tell your wife to wash your undies?