
@MarcusMaximus: Why not? Because you're comparing the sales of 25+ phones to just 1 (3) phone(s). If you have 25+ phones you SHOULD be selling that much. You've saturated the market. It shouldn't haven taken as long as it did.

Sorry, but that's ugly. Almost as ugly as the G1.

Is "selling" the same as "free with a 2yr. agreement"?


@tw@t: I've had iOS4 on it for a while and JUST the real iOS4 for the 3G is fine, but jailbreaking it to enable the iOS4 multi-tasking blows.

Word of warning to those wanting to jailbreak and add multi-tasking to your 3G: Don't do it. Mine runs like utter shit. Pandora constantly skips and locks up the phone if I try and run it in the background.

@viditbhargava: Supposedly they have a working unlock for the new baseband but aren't releasing it yet in fears it will get fixed fast.

@Jacknut: You might miss another thrilling TIE!

@ddhboy: Actually, you just showed Jobs point: "pretty good". Pretty good isn't good enough for him.

@Aashish Bhagyanagar: Again, asking for blu-Ray AND a 30% price reduction is utterly ridiculous. You won't fine a single laptop close to the mini's size with blu-ray for $700.

@Xeno: You must not have a wife.

@morejunk4me: Like I said, linux boxes don't count. Not to mention it doesn't even have an optical drive. It's a 1.6 ghz (dual) processor and half the HDD space.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: correct me if I'm wrong, but doing other things (aka not watching shows/movies) on the Revo is apparently a chore, right?

I understand the concerns with price however, can you build a similar machine (specs AND size) well under $700?

@Aashish Bhagyanagar: So you want to ADD an expensive drive AND reduce the price by nearly 30%?

@berbar: I really underestimate the amount of people who still use physical media, I guess.

@CurisosityAteMyCat: It has to do with privacy. I don't do anything illegal, but that doesn't mean it's okay for them to know what the fuck I'm doing.

lol at Apple gestapo