
It’s an awards show! They are stupid and boring as fuck. It’s basically a work conference for these people.

Even if her dad had died, who the fuck cared. I guarantee you this amount of barely even clear expression wouldn’t have registered in anybody’s mind if it were a male celebrity, and the fact that you are paying this much attention to minute differences in facial expressions is ridiculous in itself.

God it must suck to be a celebrity and have every slight obscure expression on your face poured over and dissected and yapped about by tabloid magazines and websites.

Some interesting facts for those in favour of the death penalty because they boners for punishment: Contrary to what you may have seen in movies, death row inmates in most states basically live in the lap of luxury compared to regular inmates. They are afforded tons of amenities, handheld videogames, pornography,

No one is blaming boys for harassing those girls? I don’t know where you are getting that idea. There was a huge public outcry is both of those cases and the perpetrator in the Amanda Todd case has been arrested and charged with a litany of crimes. Also...honestly your perception of male/female double standards is

There has even been talk about making James Bond a woman...its completely ridiculous. How could it even be remotely the same character? Is her name still going to be James? Will she also be a chauvinistic ultra masculine womanizing pig?

There is big difference between indirectly causing someone to commit suicide because you left them and literally encouraging someone to kill themselves and you know that. The situation is not remotely comparable. Just because this is Jezebel doesn’t mean you have to twist this into a men vs women thing.