Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

I didn’t report my rape because it would have ruined my family. I was raped by my uncle @14 in the upstairs bathroom while the entire family was out in the yard having a bbq. If I had mentioned it to anyone, my father would have killed my uncle, gone to prison, and my family would be over. So I didn’t say anything. I

Her son outed her. He found the tape and posted about it online. That is what started this. And she confirmed it to defend her son as not being a liar. There is zero, and I really repeat zero, evidence that she ever wanted the tape or even its existence to be known to anyone, certainly not the public. I find it equally

Sometimes I have found men in my own life with the most progressive personas to be more autocratic and abusive than others. Totally my own experience, nothing more.

Past posts about this have elicited comments that have been extremely depressing to read- overwhelming support for the notion that Monahan is a liar and a narcisist- made even more depressing that these comments were in response to a statement from Ellison’s daughter- who is 1) not privy to the entirety of their

And he was given away by his ex-wife!

why would anyone ever want a sexual partner who “just goes along with it.” Why can’t men ever stop and think, “hey, the person I’m about to have sex with isn’t 1000% into this. That’s gonna make this weird and gross. I’m gonna back off now.”?

Why on *earth* would anyone want to have sex with another person who’s less

I need to work on changing my resigned acceptance that so many men are just shitty.

“Ronan Farrow has a new article” is this generation’s “Omar comin’.” 

I’ve read Lily Allen’s book and my biggest takeaway is that her father, ‘comedian’ Keith Allen, is an unequivocally horrific person.

Hi, fellow Jezzies! Please don’t give the Sun clicks. Thanks! <3

Why? Are you a suppressive person? You sound like you are trying to suppress me. I’ll be declaring you for expulsion in the morning.

ya know, i really, for the most part, have a low opinion of medicine in this country. i have a good PCP, though she has a tendency to punt to specialists a bit too often. i have trouble with that because i have a bit of a phobia about doctors and hospitals and all the accoutrements of health care. so i hate having to

Some years ago, I worked at a company that made a relatively small geographic move to a new building, one that put us in a new city. A few months after the move, I looked around and noticed that there were suddenly significantly more people of color in the office, as well as our first wheelchair-mobile employee (the

Yes. And it tells you something about their past, I think. When I was in college I was at a friend’s co-op (think light hippie commune) where he lived with about 11 other people. Big house, shared labor, house meetings. One night one of his roommates brings a young woman home (two weeks after start of school—probably

Apparently his is in treatment and an expert testified that he is at low risk of re-offending. Like, I get some people get caught in a horrible situation or have some very personal crime of passion, but this just seems like his sexual orientation is killing women and that just doesn’t seem like it will end well.

I’m fairly certain if she served him with divorce papers she will be dead pretty much immediately. If she didn’t know that before, she surely does now. 

Yes, she was.

SO WEIRD! I’ve ALSO taken the last year to work on myself and become a better person, parent and partner. It’s mostly involved a plant-based diet to get my cholesterol numbers down and reading a lot of books on parenting because my 8-year-old’s mood swings confound my husband and I at times. I actually haven’t had to