Must be so traumatic for them, just the thought that they might have to go along with the views of someone with no penis at all. I'll hold a silent vigil for them later.
Must be so traumatic for them, just the thought that they might have to go along with the views of someone with no penis at all. I'll hold a silent vigil for them later.
Wimmens be getting everywhere these days, it must be a difficult time to be a misogynist. I pity Lauer, vagina is actually a magical thing full of joy and wonder. Just being in its presence would make his day brighter and he doesn't even realise it over his eurotophobia.
I will never understand why some men are scared to let women have any control. Are they worried they'll be slowly enveloped by vagina? :/
True that for sure! Also, physical copies are just nicer? They smell nice and are nice to hold and look good on your shelf. But the fact that I can't even put them on my shelves because the shelves are full of hundreds of DVDs is definitely a sign... time to throw a bunch of stuff out. Going to make a start tomorrow.…
But having physical copies of things is so hard to let go of, the nostalgia! That's why I struggle giving away the books to a charity shop even though I can get them on my kindle. there's just something about having a tangible copy of something that can't be replicated digitally.
Perhaps you can never be short of boxes that used to contain snacks! I start off meaning well with my empty electronics boxes, I just keep them well after any warranty would have run out, I still have my PS1 box somewhere in there...
Hiding in the greys here, but I don't have a proper closet, just a rail on which I hang clothes that is open to my room. But I do have shelves above and below the rail, which contain:
I think a nice thing to do would be to gently tell her in the context of offering to help her with a solution. Don't just say 'your concealer is really orange', say 'I've released your concealer is a bit too dark for your skin. My friend/cousin (make it up, it makes it sound more friendly and understanding) had that…