
notice there's no android phone? that's right the android is so diluted in branding they couldnt come up with a giant model that people would recognize as android.

to attain truth you need a little faith - physics or religion?

good time to sell... not long before we only visit the facebook and googles of the web and completely ignore the less popular url's.

why? they released a 1,000 mice the night before.

i think big g is selling the predictive key words and manipulating the results. this will end badly.

i'm slapping a patent from this tech in combo with speed dating.

with the current structure, every year i get a new iphone for about the same price as the old iphone i just sold. only catch, renew 3 years. still works.

survivorman iphone 4 line-up edition! survive the treacherous iphone line.

this implementation should have been version 1. burn the marketers for bundling the app to the nike shoes to the sensor. good thing i didnt buy a second sensor after the battery died.

no, no, no! to side step a double dip recession, americans have to back in wanting mode! the alternative would be for the chinese to become more consumer orientated. does america want that?

why doesn't google just buy more small but proven companies instead of trying to reinvent the wheel?

tv needs kinect and keyboard and it's good to go.

this product was priced right. that is, its priced with a huge margin. it's magic because it created a new category for apple. this is out of thin air. now if you're holding the stock, you should be worried. stevie is easily the ceo of the decade but even his top hat will run out of rabbits.

meteors are like lotto, after 65 million misses you're due.

the coolest kids get iphones and netflix accounts. then theres the other kids.

and stevie thought his unicorn cornered the market on this medium.

different people equal different realities.

this just in sony develops 3 inch screens with the resolution of 60 inch hdtv screens. $300 glasses required to magnify the screen view.

Netflix killed the video star.

google is testing this tech... for "thought search".