
free nikes for everyone!

note to google, more innovations, less imitations.

ironic you bring up windows vs mac, in a year where apple beats microsoft. androids problem is not sales, its making money for the mother ship. not quit there yet.

article is grossly flawed. dude was a godsend and HP should be thankful.

c'on! devs can make this app but not an "x-ray glasses that lets you see through anything as advertised on the back of a comic book" app.

paypal on smartphones will be a tiny asterisk when the banks muscle in on this juicy money transaction action.

some clones will rise in prominence and raised by many farmers. a cow-flu that can threaten human safety will go viral, causing massive and global wipe outs of live stock. beef will be over a $100 per lb that yr.

@#7 you get bone grafts and no claws? Really!?

the smart move would be to trade that porsche for some apple stock and watch it go up 14 times.

Hp'S Late 500 days to the paddy.

age, gender is only the beginning. wait till the scanners sense your mood and motivations. you look hungry, a mc dees ad. you look like you're shopping for a gift, tiffany jewelry pops up.

no no no, the ultimate geek wedding ring is gps enabled and broadcasts to google latitude.

google excels in a lot of areas. but zynga? this outfit is almost as annoying as the auto pop up ads that installed malware without your permission. eric, take a note from your competition and do more filtering man.

any medication with the word sterile will not be commercial success when the consumer is a dude.

this poll proves apple beats android 9to1.

kinect is to consoles what multi-touch was to tablets?

damn joo giz... i took one look at the video and bought wasted $5.

first google maps, next android. what will google sniff from your phone calls?

can you believe this same country houses companies like Foxconn.

stevie grinds it out another 10 yrs and he`ll be just as big a legend as bill.