“...don’t you think there’s be some idiot willing to call his own team’s players racist names just to win a match?”
“...don’t you think there’s be some idiot willing to call his own team’s players racist names just to win a match?”
Don’t play your little entitlement card. If you’re legit handicapped (and that sure sounds like it), get a legit special seat. If you must make someone’s misery worse, at least be nice about it and apologize in advance.
Not a very good market, actually. Hunting is in fast decline and, with Boomers aging out, facing an imminent collapse. Nobody takes on massive marketing costs required to enter a niche that’s going away!
Hmmm. Still not seeing it — He’s popping up at the 7sec mark too and it doesn’t look like it changes in the 50+ sec footage. But I’ll take your word for it...
Wow, it must be so nice being a teensy tiny person without a conscience.
Wait, huh? Doesn’t look like anything deployed.
Is it me or does the farther the Olympics gets from classic running-throwing-jumping sports, the less relevant-interesting-important it seems to be?
....And WR Carlos Danger runs across the middle, yet again...
Not so long ago, manufacturing mass-produced crap in NYC was a big thing, and awesome, artisanally-made anything was genl’y not.
Ugh, that sucks. So sorry you had to deal with this BS. That said...
It astounds me that they did this out of nowhere, without at least six months of warning, thus demolishing businesses and upending entire regions.
Precisely. The costs of 911 rebuilds are always, always, always enormous. Knowing that, and the potential consequences of those outlays, are pretty important in the keep/sell, heart/mind equations.
Yes, but if you do anything like Tracy you’d bring the neighborhood property values down, have medical bills for the tetanus, get your yard declared a superfund site, etc.
Sounds defective. Can she be repaired under warranty? ;)
LOL. The middle ground would be to get it driving, but even that is *easily* $25k, minimum — He’s basically replacing the entire underside (all floors, frunk, all suspension pickups, etc.), and that’s before even getting to the body rust under that paint, lung-searing moldy interior, and most mechanicals.
Though it’s understandable position, I think I’d be one of those flippers — With various life expenses, the need for $50k-100k+ to restore it properly, limited time, and the prospect of a quick $20k in the pocket, I’d consider a BaT flip.
As a backpacker, I grab a bunch of those square jams off the caddy and I hoard Starbucks’ sriracha packets whenever they turn their backs (they’re both light and make crappy dried food taste way better)...