
This is false. Every ounce of sales and consumer research says so, for nearly every brand nowadays. I worked at Mazda and saw it, as everyone in the industry has.

Nope. I worked at Mazda and our engineers actually pushed for more noise, saying it was what enthusiasts wanted. Wrongly obviously. I left around the time they were ordered to start changing it because all the research said it harmed sales badly.

How insecure are you?! Would you like to list off any other assets in this article about *race* engines and co-development?

Racing teams and road cars are like comparing apples and...rocks. McLaren did not receive a competitive or even competent race car power unit from Honda. Mercedes — not AMG — were po’d by McLaren’s stated objective to become a competitor (12C) after Mercedes dictated the engineering terms of a clearly subpar road car

It’s called “accountability.” US police don’t have any, therefore we live in fear of them.

He’s a drunk too. Saw it first hand. Don’t think it’s two different things because any fool can tell you it’s not.

Blew clean eh? So drugs aren’t an addiction too now? C’mon, this guy has problems with substance abuse, full stop. Pick whichever one you want.

I met him a couple times in the early 2000's. “Troubled” might be the best term but “dick” is apt as well. He’s killed two girlfriends with cars and drugs if I recall correctly and he has the money and paranoia to destroy a lot more lives.

Dumb asshole calls person who called him out a dumb asshole. I’m shocked.

Maybe you should consider that internet posters aren’t trustworthy and that it’s millions, not billions?

Yeah, because all those rural towns and Republican-controlled states like Kansas are just doing super, eh? It’s called reality and it isn’t partisan: Nobody wants to raise taxes but everyone wants neat stuff they don’t want to maintain.

You have no idea how close to truth that is — I filed a complaint about a cop driving recklessly and, after it was denied (despite incriminating video), I’ve been targeted by police harassment non-stop — Prowling my yard, leaving threats in the mail, stopping me for no reason, etc. It’s so bad I may move.

Honda Civic. Go ahead and think about it.

Typical Toyota dealer: Scamming customers and cancer charities, all for a tax write-off. Welcome to the steaming pile of corruption that was once America.

Ever wonder why there isn’t a simple camera on an $100 million aircraft?

This wins the motornets.

And you conspiracy theorists are too fucking dumb to see those photos are all the same place and day (same time of day, taken from a single video) much less reality beyond your mother’s basement.

They told us all about “effectiveness” by body counts in Vietnam, none of which was truthful (each KIA recruited 5 more!). You think THIS administration is going to be truthful?!?!

That’s a totally misleading graph. Discretionary spending, not specific taxes (Med, SS) is the one that shows our spending truth.

“Killed 36" is the White House figure. “Killed none of ours” is the ISIS figure.