You obviously haven’t been to Paris in the last couple years, nor have you read news. They are not having any entitled behavior with cars or the potential to use them for terrorism anymore.
You obviously haven’t been to Paris in the last couple years, nor have you read news. They are not having any entitled behavior with cars or the potential to use them for terrorism anymore.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s not that it’s an unpopular sentiment, it’s that you’re simply ignorant of the facts of the case or the process or the environmental consequences.
Old wives tale (usually it’s “Montana”). Exotic owners don’t need legal aggravation. Sure, some try but cops here pull over out of state cars because they’re instant cash: If the driver’s license doesn’t match state registration, they’re getting a fixit ticket.
And that reason would be...?
Then you’ll get my Mazda6's electrical problems! Hope not.
My 2015 was a lemon too. It was a solenoid the first time, then an unknown failure the second time. It wouldn’t go into anything but reverse. Then it slipped like crazy and the 1-2 shift was a crash unless you eased up like a manual. Mazda said my car was normal.
Where were you when my 2015 fell apart?!?! Mazda wouldn’t fix it either and I had no choice but to get rid of it. Your company sucks ballz.
Mine was a lemon too. Too many problems to list. Mazda didn’t and wouldn’t fix it. With Mazda there are millions of anecdotes about bad quality.
Same here! Worst car ever. Mazda wouldn’t fix anything. I lost a year trying to get Mazda to fix it.
“Sky-craptive” for those of us who bought one of their cars recently.
What is “meaningful” if its small?!
Worst car I ever owned. Got a 2015 Mazda6 with everything and everything broke! It had to be towed away when I traded it in!!!
Wouldn’t put it past them. They’re the shadyist manufacturer I’ve ever made the mistake of buying a car from.
I wanted one but got talked into a Mazda6 instead of waiting. Worst car I’ve ever owned. Never ran right, was constantly broken and Mazda was terrible.
Technically, you ARE a dick neighbor: Storing something like that might — might — be your right, but it’s absolutely an eyesore in most neighborhoods. That’s just not something you ever impose on the people who will be there for you when life goes awry (tornado, earthquake, burglar, run out of beer, etc.).
I have “every right” to walk around in tighty whities yelling “my neighbors are aliens!” while playing the drums and a kazoo, but I’m not an asshole.
This is why they should be swapped. The practical 911 (or four-cylinder 912) should move down to be for active/family years and the passenger-unfriendly Boxster/Cayman should move up to meet its potential for when the kids are grown. Won’t ever happen though.
This. Yes.
Slow in/fast out. You can drive 911's differently, of course...But you’ll die.
Why the dickishness? If a bespoke mid-engine 911 racer shares so little with a 911, there’s no need to be dismissive of a similar question or comparison involving the Cayman.