
Also on pace to lose to the Astros in the playoffs again.

All sports are unwatchable if you are looking for reasons to dislike them.

love the idea of day-night double headers in the postseason because it forces teams to not be able to bullpen through the postseason.

At this point Mike Trout is the greatest player not linked to PEDs in some way of my lifetime. The issue with him appealing to casual baseball fans is real because 1)He plays all of his games late 2)He’s not a really interesting guy 3)He doesn’t crush traditional baseball stats, he’s not challenging for the HR record,

What’s worse, this ad or the USA’s history in the World Cup?

he strikes out 30% of the time so it wouldnt matter

Wow, Ryan Anderson looks different.

I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but most guys aren’t bringing a glove because they are worried about being injured, they want a ball. If you were actually worried you would sit in a seat where balls don’t get hit often.

But he’s not in a high-risk area. Now the high-risk areas have netting around them. I mean it’s obvious this guy doesn’t know how to use a glove anyway

10000 casualties at baseball games every year. RIP fans

I think Watt is obviously a great person, but he’s also super corny. The corny part is what people rag on.

You bring your glove to a game? Yikes.

I can’t drop any quotes from any of those movies. I’ve watched them on netflix because people will say “OMFG YOU HAVEN”T SEE (insert movie here).” I’m sure they were funny for their time.

well that settles everything then.

The best examples you could think of are 30 years old and haven’t aged well. Who is Francis? I would say Deadpool is more of a edgy teen writes Austin Powers.

Cards Against Humanity: The Movie

LOL those people don’t become billionaires who can afford a sports franchise.

I think a proper response is to put it in the fridge and save it for later.

Obviously the Yankees are a legit World Series contender, along with Houston, Boston, and maybe the Indians and Angels. One fun fact is that the Yankees have made the postseason in 14 of the last 17 years have one world series championship. Playoff baseball can render any season a bittersweet memory.

The Indians were only 7 games over at the all star break last year.