
It is a lame saying and while I agree I think that people sometimes take that as “ONLY defense wins championships.” That strip sack was huge and they were pressuring brady more and more as the game went on. I would say that defense did win this one too.

Get out of here with that shit and go rewatch Jags Bills in the first round.

This is a different broadcast than a regular season game since way more people and non football fans are watching. He can’t say that JT sucked (and boy was it shitty). He’s essentially a hype man for the NFL with no naysaying for one day.

Congrats Eagles fans. Love seeing teams win their first super bowl.

Well they had to use Prince to sell that halftime show, nothing is sacred

I really wish they would just do super bowls at the deserving home team’s stadium. It would be way more fun.

I’m guessing anyone that pays $3000 for a ticket isn’t going to do anything to get thrown out.

This is what I came here for.

Everyone knows they’ll be out of breath in 5 minutes.

You know there will be some very cringy commercials during the super bowl. Dilly Dilly will the be the least of your worries.

I watched a couple episodes back in 08 or so. Thought it was meh and got into that realm of try hard/edgelord comedy that’s like “OH SHIT CANCERAIDSABORTION” are the punchlines. When I saw Deadpool I thought the same thing about it. Maybe I”ll give it another try.

someone fill me in here. who are these people?

I feel very confident in saying that Prince is rolling over in his grave.

One of my best friends is an officer and didn’t like most of the guys he dealt with on a day to day basis. I’m talking a guy who wanted to be an officer since he was 5 years old and did everything to achieve that goal. Yes, there are guys who are great cops and good dudes because I have met them, but if we are talking

They did, but mainly because the players at those positions aren’t very good. I would not be surprised if it just balances out and they end up 81-85 wins, but they will need to win 95+ to take the division and I just don’t see that unless they get Darvish and he is in god mode

I keep saying this, but several guys on Milwaukee had their best season of their career last year. Not only do they need that to compete, but they probably need their entire team to have the same year as last year AND Yelich to be himself and Cain to be himself. The Cards and the Cubs are still the 2 best teams and

get a 20 game plan. I’ve never had a bad experience at that park and I’m a Cubs fan who lives just outside Milwaukee.

Keep in mind it was a fan vote that put him in and Malone was a coach’s pick. The Lakers were incredibly popular at the time and very good the first half of the season so it’s easy to see the fan bias. I also think the fact that AC Green was a known devout Christian helped his cause. In conclusion, fans have been by

True, but there is a bye week here so maybe that doesn’t matter? I think that it will really come down to the Pats defense being able to make Foles uncomfortable and I’m expecting Belichick to make him uncomfortable early. In past super bowls Belichick has let the game come to him, but with the Eagles defense being

Wasn’t it a great national champsionship game?