
Because Pace knows his days are numbered if they don’t get headed in the right direction. This is essentially a Hail Mary in hopes that he will save his job.

I have a hard time believing anyone who watches ESPN with any regularity even notices or gives a shit about political leanings.

I think anyone attending a draft party has already lost.


I’ll give you that one without a fight since I think all shows like that are pointless, but his other points are severely uninformed.

Bored. He can now work in his hometown and possibly bring a championship. Why not?

Maybe not racist, but incredibly ignorant.

Yeah, his opinions are garbage.

Holy shit I had no idea my father in law commented here.

I think early career Jordan would’ve been fine, but later career Jordan during that last title run would’ve struggled mightily. I think he would’ve been better during the playoffs because the pace does slow down a little. That was always a knock on Jordan was his 3 point ability and it improved when he came back. I

To be fair I remember thinking the same thing you state in your last paragraph during last years playoffs when they almost beat the Warriors. I really wish Durant would’ve stayed so we could’ve watched OKC, Houston, SA, and GSW duke it out in the west this year.

Those early Jordan years he was doing what Russ does now, trying to win the entire series all by himself. It wasn’t until 88 that the Bulls finally won a series and that’s because they had drafted Horace Grant and Scottie Pippen. In fact he had won one playoff game before. Those Bulls teams had a really good

Wasn’t Lebron criticized for years for doing the exact opposite of what Russ did this year? Not taking over a game? Give me a break the only way they were going to be competitive this series was Russ going off

You should pick Ohio State just to be a dick.

My suggestion is that you don’t have any team that you root for, but you pick a different team each year to follow based on feel. Just never buy any gear because then you’ll look weird. When people ask just tell them that you don’t have a team.

You mean those asshole cub fans that were like “CHICAGO FIRST!” Just the worst.

Most Hawks fans didn’t even need to cut the tags off of their Hawks apparel this year.

Are we all convinced that the NFL teams don’t know? I think it’ll be pretty obvious if all of a sudden Jamal Adams or whoever drops out of the first round.

But they are the best teams, why wouldn’t you want to see the best teams face each other? Anything with Lebron and Golden State will easily have the most interest.

Even if my team got crushed I would rather see them on TV in the playoffs a couple times.