Your handle fills me with the sense that you know what you’re talking about. Thanks for the additional info - it solved the puzzle for me.
Your handle fills me with the sense that you know what you’re talking about. Thanks for the additional info - it solved the puzzle for me.
Seconding your suggestion to read the article. I remember reading it in 2012, and even now it pops into my head every now and then. Absolutely fascinating (and a hell of a party trick, to boot!)
Sooooooo.... the best way to pay off your debt is to buy as many tickets as you can afford?
You’re describing exactly what happened to the sub S-5. The sub was longer than the water was deep, the crew uprighted it, and they were rescued. “Under Pressure” by AJ Hill tells the story.
Star for “iRraigned!”
You’re awesome. Thanks so much.
Haha that’s what I figured.
Thanks. Really like your posts, by the way.
ksc11 - the reason I use pivot tables is because I’ve never learned Access. It’s a giant gap in my productivity/office-software-suite skills.
Steve - are you saying it’s okay that the shop charges a marked-up part in addition to a separate labor charge? It’s not clear in your post.
If you ever need the full explainer from the EPA, it’s here:…
The EPA has a good explainer on how to find the equivalent gasoline price at…
Interesting - I always found the opposite! Seems like it’s easier for me to dislodge plaque and food particles with floss than with brushing, and I’m always pleasantly surprised when brushing actually does it.
I floss before for similar reasons - brushing doesn’t dislodge tartar (flossing can), and then brushing afterwards will wash it away.
Star for being a dentist :-)
This is one of the better tips you guys have put out! In addition to the “Attachments” mailbox, I enabled “Unread” and “All Drafts.”
You and I are on exactly the same page. Lots of potential, but also lots of issues to be worked out!
CaptainJack - how do you feel about a system that ties guns to their owners for purposes of liability? The idea (and I’m sure it’s been raised before) is that the owner of a gun is then responsible for how it’s used, in addition to the shooter. That would give the owner an incentive to make sure that the gun’s battery…
Hot liquor/liqueur. Baileys, to mix with the ice cream.
Thanks - fog/liquid v. frost/solid.