It’s too bad that the upcoming sequel looks disappointing. The combat system was one of the best parts of the game and their removing it in favour of 100% real time.
It’s too bad that the upcoming sequel looks disappointing. The combat system was one of the best parts of the game and their removing it in favour of 100% real time.
Gary Stu
Well actually Silent Hills was cancelled by Konami not Sony.
I always thought Delibird kinda looked like the Canadian flag.
I don’t really care dor COD but man this entitled “Internet justice” we see so often tires me. If you don’t like the game or the creators just don’t play it then. There are tons of other games out there for you to play, you don’t have to get upset when a game isn’t catered to your specific needs.
I always have N64 hooked up to my t.v. so this port doesn’t really change much.
You know I never really get why people make such a big deal about these things. If you don’t like it just move on, it’s an incredibly minor character in the game, you can easily ignore them, it affects you in no way. I didn’t like the Hobbit movies but you don’t see me sending hate mail to Peter Jackson.
Path of Exile then man.
It wasn’t terrible even with the occasional bugs. The biggest issue I had was with the framerate.
Same exact thing happened to me dude. Except I bought it. Probably played it 20 minutes and it just felt awful. Me and my friend just wanted a game like Champions of Norrath except on PS3 and Sacred 2 did not live up...
I liked sacred 2. ITs not as polished, but once i understood how the skill system worked. Plus it scratched that itch at that time, me and a friend played through it over and over.
I remember as a big Diablo 2 fan renting Sacred 2 on the ps3, man was I disappointed. I don’t know what it was about it, if it was the bugs, that it just didn’t play right on consoles, or maybe it actually wasn’t that good, but something just felt off about sacred 2, it just wasn’t my cup of tea.
I’d say just get the WiiU, it’s got some great games, and otherwise your kids will have to wait another 1-2 years for the thing to be announced and released.
See the problem is I find birthright a bit unbelievable, at least from a role playing perspective . Why would you abandon your family for a group of strangers that happen to be related to you by blood. If someone told me that I was actually adopted, I wouldn’t turn my back on my real family, those who raised me and…
Ya people have been saying that for ages. I swear it’s just a bunch of whiners that want to play Nintendo games but refuse to buy a Nintendo console.
Wait until you see what it’ll be in Australia... I bet they’re looking at close to a grand judging by the mark ups they have to take.
$90.00 with tax for new releases too... ugh... also pay through the nose for food.
Well that’s completely unfair.
I spoke too soon! Just been announced at £500. Which is $750 US...