
I was never really into Evangelion. I never really watched anime until I was about 20 when I asked my two anime obsessed friends to show me some anime. They enthusiastically insisted we watch the “best anime of all time, Evangelion”. Honestly after finishing it I was thinking I was right all these years avoiding

Well you only need the players handbook unless your DM, and if you are the DM you don’t have to buy Volos or Sword coast.

Ya I remember that being mentioned in Skyward sword, but I still find it weird that they would stop worshiping her after Skyward sword, or at least never mention her for centuries/games, and then suddenly there are statues of her everywhere again? I understand Hylia was a retcon to the Zelda lore added in skyward

My biggest issue is that if this happens after Ocarina why do they worship a singular goddess vs the three in Ocarina. Are we saying that the people of Hyrule went from worshiping 1 Godess (Hylia), to three Godess’ (Din,Nayru,Farore), back to one (Hylia) again?

I’m really disappointed they’re ditching the gameplay of the previous versions, VC is one of those rare occasions where I’m not really that committed to the story/world, the reason I love it is because of the amazing gameplay.

One thing I’ve always like about Kotaku is the no numbers reviews. I have to agree that number system is flawed as certain things that may be important to another may not be to me. This system allows me to come to my own conclusions on what I should think about said game without a number blurring my opinion. I love

What game do you think needs a sequel that no one talks about making a sequel for?

I came here looking for Jean Luke Pickachu, I am disappointed in you all.

The game could actually be decent, just drop the words Metroid prime from the title and all this would blow over

Me: Oh I own all those games.

People didn’t like it? I remember hearing how great it was so I picked up cheap last year and found I preferred it over the games before it.

I’d say just get it on an emulator. Touch controls are always annoying for games originally built for controllers. Your fingers get in the way of the screen, they don’t always run as well, and the controls just feel off.

If Oculus was smart they’d still sell the DK2 as a discount model. I just bought a DK2 off a co-worker and it’s great. Sure it’s not as high res as the CV1 but it works just as well and cost me 1/3 of the price. Best of all I didn’t have to upgrade my PC.

I’ve been having a great time playing Pillars of Eternity lately so probably just more of that.

Yes! That was the game! It’s too bad I switched to android a few years ago, I’d love to play it again.

I know they sound terrible, and yet I cannot contain my curiosity.

Ya I remember there used to be this really good bartending game on the Iphone. Can’t for the life of me remember what it was called.

Considering there is Pokemon made out of sludge and another made out of garbage that’s saying something.

I sure hope that if they do that that they call it the Legend of Link.

You just made my day, bless your heart.