
“an incredibly intelligent high schooler” I pretty much checked out at this point, damn Anime tropes are starting to get annoying.

That may be, but that is how the continents are known now.

Pretty sure Canada is in the Americas...

So my Brother and his roommates went bought this game knowing nothing about it, simply figuring it would be like one of his favorite games when we were younger, battlefront 2. Over the last few years I’ve became unaccustomed to people being out of the loop in game wise so I never thought to mention to him that while

More like Valkyria Chronicles IV: Monster Hunter

Mario Kart 64, Turok, Jet Force Gemini, Rayman 2, Majora’s Mask, Pod Racer, Clayfighters 64, Mario Tennis 64, I could go on... but you get the point.

There aren’t any games on PSX that topped things like Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Zelda OoT, I mean I could go on...but you get the point.

O ya F-ZERO GX. I hear it’s great. Too bad I could never progress past one of the first few levels. The game was too hard for younger me, maybe I’ll give it a go again sometime.

So the composer for Kaiji and Death Note was given 5-6 years for possession. And apparently one of the reasons we never got another season of Kaiji was cause of that, so I’m pretty sad.

Anyone else seeing the Metro book for 2.32$ and not free?

Anyone else seeing the Metro book for 2.32$ and not free?

You know there are some adblockers that block ads while at the same time making the site think you’ve seen them (I think Ublock does or did this) that way content creators still get paid and you don’t have to watch ads.

74 is way too warm, especially if you have any direct sunlight entering your office windows. I’m with 68 on this one.

He actually gets clubbed in the head golfing with his grandson(?) during the end credits scene. Not sure if he actually dies though...

Kidney stones

I hate spoilers but you gotta tell me. How does Sean Bean die in this one?

So what you’re saying is that meat beasts should have six legs to maximize harvestable yield...

That’s one of my biggest issues with TPP, it no longer feels like playing a movie. The gameplay is fantastic but I feel the story and atmosphere took a heavy hit.

Wow this guy’s just an asshole. I’ll never understand these trolls that think their enforcing some kind of justice by ruining someones good time just because they’re upset. Whiny babies. The worst part is that they think their cool and powerful, when in reality they’re just pathetic.

You grossly overestimate the capabilities of the PSX.

This is more like a PS2 game.

Closer to a bad PS3 game, really.

No not really the head is super disproportioned in Mario Maker