
I’ve been on both sides of the peer review process - as a reviewer and an author submitting something to a journal - and I can tell you that although it’s critical to the scientific process, it can oftentimes be an utter joke. One time I got comments back on a manuscript that sounded as if they were literally for a

Dr. Fiona C. Ingleby: I am an evolutionary biologist interested in the genetics of complex traits and sexual conflict.

This is one of the many reasons why peer reviews should be anonymous both ways, reviewers shouldn't know for whom they are reviewing.

I love my old-man of a dog. Adopted him when he was 5 years old, and have had him for the last 5 years. Although I hope he lives forever (I know he won’t, but he’s my best friend), I told my fiance that we’re not getting another dog for quite some time after he passes. I love dogs but it is a big responsibility. Great

Seriously, they’ll buy some Jewish Great Dane from a backyard breeder instead of a gentile Great Dane.

Go to the pound and get an adult dog that is a good dog.

Also, talk to them. All the time. Both regular human speak and awful, mush-mouthed baby talk. People who don't talk to their dogs are fucking weirdos.

Best piece of dog advice I’ve ever received: tell them what they are thinking. Want them to be happy? Put them in a situation and be excited. Want them to be calm and friendly with new people? Expect them to be calm with new people. Dogs aren’t people, and they’re usually happiest when you can just tell them what they

I’m your same age and height, and I just don’t think “girly” works on 5’10”. I used to dress kind of Annie Liebowitz in college in the early 80s, and I think I got away with it because of my height.

Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

I’m a little late but here goes. I worked in a Gay Dennys in Arizona and soon after gay marriage became legal, I had the most adorable elderly couple of men, one white, one black. They were seated at the counter and had on these beautiful leis. I asked if I could feel the real flowers and asked what the occasion was.

Obama’s comic timing is amazing. I adore his deadpan snark delivery.

Actually, I’m in ELEVENTH grade, god.

I find this business of the justice system experimenting with various murder techniques macabre and absurd; just put a moratorium on this shit.